Trying to start a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle

Hello everyone, Ive decided to try to start eating vegetarian/ vegan and change eating habits to improve health. I'm tired of feeling tired and sluggish. Ready to make positive changes. Good luck on your healthy journey!


  • dizzypuppy
    dizzypuppy Posts: 10 Member
    good for you! :) i've been vegetarian for quite a few years now! i cant see myself ever going back. recently started to cut dairy out of my diet, most of my meals have been vegan lately! makes me feel good! :)
  • VividVegan
    VividVegan Posts: 200 Member
    So am I. I'm new to veganism. Add me if you want. The journey begins.
  • gclemmer3509
    gclemmer3509 Posts: 6 Member
    So am I. Lifelong vegetarian but new to veganism. So far so good, but am not losing weight. Would love to share dairies!
  • maisiemountain
    maisiemountain Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not a vegetarian as I do eat meat occasionally, but on a typical daily basis I don't eat meat at all, and honestly I feel healthier than ever!

    It's great you're making this change, as animals are treated awfully in the factory farms - not to mention the amount of rubbish they put into the meat! I aim to cut it out completely too.

    Good luck :)