young mom in need of motivation and MFP friends

Hi My name is Dana 20 year old stay at home mom of 1 year old baby boy who goes on walks and jogs with mommy. I gained so much weight after my pregnancy and want to feel like myself again. Ive started MFP at 240 lbs and lost 12 so far. I'm looking for some motivation and inspiration with Workouts, Foods, and just connecting overall so feel free to add me! Other mommies definitely add me


  • RoxiM2016
    RoxiM2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Added you x mummy of 2. Just recently got my self back to work. So started shifting weight i put on having my babies. Got abit lazy while i was at home. But my youngest started nusery so got myself a job which is a 50 min walk to get to and the weight is slowly coming off. 11st 2lb i was bak in march. I had abit of a hiccup mid way at 10st 10lb but i got myself together an now im 10st 4lb. My goal weight is 9st. Also doing the insanity workout. Pic on my profile of a week doing insanity. Added you good luck with your journey xx
  • mommybear1302
    mommybear1302 Posts: 7 Member
    Added you. I'm a mom of two, almost 4yr old and 5 1/2 month old. I gained all the weight back I had lost after my first with my second ans now I need to lose it again and then some.
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me! I am a god-father of two. We can all support each other.