Super frustrated and sick! Help!

Hi everyone, so around Friday of last week I started getting a burning sensation in my throat whenever I would start to eat something. And it would only happen when I started eating and last a little while until after I ate. By day 2 of that, I was having a very hard time swallowing food and my throat would tighten and burn after a few minutes of eating anything! The underside of my tongue would also get very itchy as well. Naturally, I found this concerning and went to the doctor for it this past Tuesday. The doctor said my throat looked fine, no fever, no cough, no runny nose, no congestion, nothing. He said it could be a possible atypical viral infection at first but then he said it could be affects of acid reflux/gerd since I told him that I do have acid reflux in the mornings if I eat breakfast. So he gave me rintidine but I didn't have the money to buy it so I'm taking omeprazole that my mom takes that does the same thing as rintidine, just a different drug class. I was told told to go back to the doctor in a week if the symptoms haven't gone away and that we had to rule out the small things like viral infection or a cold first. It's now Thursday and more symptoms have developed and it seems nothing is getting better :( Now my mouth gets extremely dry, and I'm starting to get mouth sores because of it. My throat aches constantly now instead of just when I eat, and when I woke up this morning my voice was starting to go out! Again, my throat starts to tighten, get super sore and I have a real difficult time swallowing any types of food a few minutes after I've started eating any meal, anything, even soups or pasta. Sometimes the underside of my tongue will also get very itchy as well, and my mouth is now very very dry and I have mouth sores. It's driving me insane and I would really like to know if anyone here could possibly know what this is?! I'm waiting to go back to the doctor for now like he said but this really sucks...


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just some possibilities to consider: Sjogren's syndrome, oral thrush??
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Just some possibilities to consider: Sjogren's syndrome, oral thrush??

    I had read about Sjogrens but I didn't think it fit it enough, but oral thrush! I basically have every thing except the white stuff! Everything else I have! Even the itchiness! I hadn't seen that one but it fits everything I have pretty perfectly, I wonder how come it never popped up in my searches.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    hiyomi wrote: »
    Just some possibilities to consider: Sjogren's syndrome, oral thrush??

    I had read about Sjogrens but I didn't think it fit it enough, but oral thrush! I basically have every thing except the white stuff! Everything else I have! Even the itchiness! I hadn't seen that one but it fits everything I have pretty perfectly, I wonder how come it never popped up in my searches.

    I wonder if it's possible to have all that if I don't have those white lesions though, it seems like those white lesions are the cause of most symptoms.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited August 2016
    I imagine there are no perfect set of symptoms for any medical issue and not all will be present.

    No doubt could be one of any number of things and no doubt the doctor will try and knock off the obvious ones first, but if the issues continue don't let the doctor fob you off, and if need be, see another doctor.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    edited August 2016
    I imagine there are no perfect set of symptoms for any medical issue and not will be present.

    No doubt could be one of any number of things and no doubt the doctor will try and knock off the obvious ones first, but if the issues continue don't let the doctor fob you off, and if need be, see another doctor.

    I went and looked at my tongue in the mirror and it has a yellow coating on basically the whole thing, it's not super yellow but it looks like the pictures of oral thrush where the tongue is yellow....I may just go back to the doctor tomorrow! A different one tho cuz the one I had was very rude and snobby
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    No chemist over the counter products for oral thrush where you are?
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    No chemist over the counter products for oral thrush where you are?
    My mom actually has this medicine right now because she had thrush a few months ago from taking antibiotics for a knee infection, but I think it may be expired already because it was a liquid one.

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    Two things might be help (not necessarily fix, but help): 1) Rinse/gargle with warm salt water morning and evening--aim for non-iodized salt, though. The iodine can burn and irritate, which you already have. 2) Drink a cup of hot water (or hot water with a couple teaspoons of lemon juice) before you eat. No sugar or extra stuff, just the water/water and lemon.

    Do you take meds that can cause thrush? Advair, Flovent, and Servent come to mind. These recommend rinsing the mouth after taking (not drinking...just rinse and spit).
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Gentian violet is OTC at health food stores and is used for oral thrust all the time. It turns the mouth purple so you want to apply it with a q-tip but it works great. Breastfeeding moms often use it for themselves and baby when baby gets thrush.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I just tried rinsing my mouth out with a nystatin medicine that my mom was prescribed for her oral thrush! I will update if I feel any better today and tomorrow with it :)
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I'm not quite sure why I would get thrush though, can it just happen randomly? My mom got it because she was on corticosteroids for something, but I'm not on any meds or anything. The only thing I do get is depo provera shot for birth control, but I've been getting that for years! I just had a period as normal recently so I doubt I'm pregnant!