HOw to SEE your friends food journal?

I set mine to public to friends and so did she. We cant see each others though.

thanks for the help.


  • serabee5
    serabee5 Posts: 89
    there is a difference in making your profile public and your diary public.
    Be sure to go to the FOOD page - then click settings.

    Scroll down and make your diary public.
    Hope that helps :)
  • serabee5
    serabee5 Posts: 89
    it should work tho - because I can see your food diary - so you have made it public to all not just friends.
    When you go to each other's page there are some buttons next to your picture - click view diary :)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Did you set your diary settings and your profile settings? Diary settings have a separate setting (also where you can choose what to track in your diary). Go to Settings and from the menu choose Diary settings ... then select what you want. Mine is set to Public. Hope that helps.
  • shanluts
    shanluts Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you!