RNY Accountability Buddies

Hello out there. I've had this account for some time but never ended up using it properly and well now I am trying my best to stay accountable and finally be rid of this very broken body by fixing it and using my tool (roux en y) the way my surgeon and nutritionist want me to because I am done failing my surgery. I have nobody to blame but myself, I am the one that over time cheated on myself with food and drink and abused it and paid the price by gaining weight again.

I am looking to meet other possible RNY patients and well really whomever else that understands our surgeries and is supportive of our journey's that can help keep me accountable and on track. People that are encouraging and even inspirational at times are very helpful.


OSW 360 - 1/3/10
SD 299 - 7/19/10
EW 185 - 6/9/11

NSW 245 - 1/1/16
CW 217 - 4/25/16
GW 160

I am almost 6 yr out RNYer that never reached her goal weight and finally found her determination again and made a complete lifestyle change.


  • MeaganJo75
    MeaganJo75 Posts: 11 Member
    Please note that you don't have to have an RNY to be part of someone with one's support group... I mainly would just like "friends" that help keep me accountable is all.
  • ginnymonson
    ginnymonson Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. I had RNY in 2005. I am currently the lowest weight I have been in almost 30 years! I need to lose some more (due to Severe Fatty Liver Disease w/stage 4 Cirrosis). I could use some friends for motivation and to help keep me on track. I have not used the community part of this app so I do not know how to add friends or to follow other people or conversations. Add me! Thank you.