Vitamin B12 Shots and Protein Shakes and bars to loose weight

Hello, my doctor offers a weight loss and wellness program in which you take Vitamin B12 shots supplemented with protein shakes and protein bars only. She no longer offers the lipotrophic injections I found out. I am scheduled for next week for a consultation. I have 50+ pounds to loose. Has anyone here had any success with B12 shots without the lipotrophic injections but just eating shakes and protein bars? Has anyone at least lost 25+ pounds? Thanks


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Are you deficient in b12. If you are they give you a bit more energy but if you aren't they're a big waste of money
  • LegendHunter83
    LegendHunter83 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes an actual MD Doctor. I believe I am B12 deficient. Yes I have frequent fatigue and tiredness especially in the evening. Does B12 also enhance your exercise workouts results too?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    You should have a blood test first though to confirm. I'm chronically low because of health issues but I find caffeine before workout helped.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    Is this the diet where you only eat 500 calories a day too? Either way I'd run far far away from this doctor.
  • LegendHunter83
    LegendHunter83 Posts: 3 Member
    No you don't eat 500 calories. This is an MD Doctor that treats me for Sleep Apnea and she offers this weight loss program. This is not a weight loss clinic like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. Since this Doctor treated my sleep apnea with CPAP very effectively, I thought why not sign up for her weight loss program. So I wanna hear if anyone has really lost weight with B12 shots?
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    You won't lose weight by a vitamin shot. You will lose weight by burning more calories than you consume.
  • minniemoo1972
    minniemoo1972 Posts: 295 Member
    edited August 2016
    NO ONE LOSES WEIGHT WITH B12 SHOTS......and your doctor is a quack and should be struck off.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,890 Member
    I lost 25+ pounds, and I too have sleep apnea. I know you asked about B12 shots, which I've not had, but you'd also asked about people who've had weight loss success, which I have.

    I had success losing 60+ pounds in 10-11 months at age 59-60, while hypothyroid (treated) and with sleep apnea (treated) just by tracking my eating and exercise carefully, striving for good nutrition, and maintaining a reasonable calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than I burned). I didn't eat any protein shakes or bars (they work great for some people, but I think they're yucky); I ate regular healthy food instead.

    Please ask your doctor specifically if you're actually B12 deficient. (Admittedly, I'm not, even though I'm a long-term vegetarian, and pretty old - almost twice your age.) It might also be worth asking if your blood test results show any other low or low-side-of-normal values that could contribute to fatigue, such as borderline anemia or hypothyroidism.

    For sure, excess weight contributes to fatigue, as does poor-quality sleep. If your sleep apnea treatment is recent, it is also normal - according to my doctors - to have some "rebound fatigue" where you (oddly) feel more tired for a time while your body adjusts to getting more and better sleep.

    Also, other aspects of poor nutrition, not just B12 deficiency, can increase likelihood that you'll run out of steam by the end of the day - insufficient protein, energy spikes and valleys that some people experience when eating lots of sugar or other quick-acting carbohydrates, not enough healthy fruit/veg, not drinking enough water, etc. So can being physically out of condition, i.e., long-term history of minimal exercise.

    Even if you are B12 deficient, it may be worth considering to try improving your deficiency by improving your nutrition, before resorting to medication. Often, our bodies respond better to well-rounded nutrition than to isolated supplements. Just my opinion.

    I wish you success, whatever course you take!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm glad this doctor is helping you with sleep apnea, but stay away from that weight loss program. It's a money grab. The shots are useless unless you're deficient, and that's not something you go on by "belief." To experiment without knowing for sure just sets you up for a placebo response.

    About ditching the doctor like other people are suggesting: I don't know. Is a decent doctor who uses their credentials as a front to score some extra shady cash on the side worth ditching altogether? That's up to you to decide.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I went to a similar dr several years ago. He was a general practice dr, who "specialized" in weight loss. It was a vlcd with a lot of shakes and bars and very little food. Definitely under 1000 calories. He gave me a b12 shot for energy, but I never lost any weight. Several of my friends were extremely successful but I'm doing better with a metabolic specialist who is treating me for my prediabetes and metabolic syndrome. He wants me eating real food and did bloodwork to determine what vitamins I was deficient in (D and Iron).
    The one thing I've learned is that there are no quick fixes, no magic pills and no fast tracks to weight loss. You have to do the work to get the results.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,028 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have been taking B-12 injections for about 15 years. I gained most of my weight during that time. If you are b-12 deficient getting on the injections will help with your fatigue and that can make it easier to work out, but if you don't eat at a calorie deficit you won't lose any weight. B-12 is not going to have any effect on your weight.
    @singingflutelady is right. You need a blood test to check your levels and if you are not deficient then there is no reason to take it. You can also get a prescription and do the shots at home and save money that way.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Your doctor is reccomending this because they make money off it, especially since it is not covered by insurance.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    I had 120 lbs to lose and lost 22 already just by eating less than I burn. I log everything here on myfitnesspal and stay under my calorie goal each day. You don't need shots to lose weight and all you really will lose is your money. If t was as easy as getting a shot, everyone would be standing in line. You will gain no healthy eating habits and unless you plan to live your life completely on shots and protein shakes, you'll gain any weight lost back when you stop.
  • Kdp2015
    Kdp2015 Posts: 519 Member
    Yes an actual MD Doctor. I believe I am B12 deficient. Yes I have frequent fatigue and tiredness especially in the evening. Does B12 also enhance your exercise workouts results too?

    You are meant to be tired in the evenings though, how else would you sleep?