Ok so I'm doing this I feel great. Problem is my husband acts as if I can't do it. I own my own business on the side and I haven't gotten started yet but my husband thinks I'm stupid for it. I'm constantly having to pick myself up from him putting me down. Don't get me wrong hes great just not supportive. I really want this and to have my businesses flow. Please guys help me out. I'm over loaded


  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    do you mean hes putting you down about dieting, or putting you down about running your own buisness?
    and either way you should tell him you dont feel like he isnt supporting you. and how it makes you feel.
    and how hard it is for you to keep picking urself up.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Tell him to keep his opinions to himself if he isn't going to be supportive. Tell him how much your business and becoming healthier means to you and that if he doesn't agree, to keep it to himself. Use the way he makes you feel to channel it into your workouts, PROVE HIM WRONG! :) You can do it!
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Yea, you need to tell him that you need his support. If he hasn't got anything nice to say, he should just not say anything.
  • SherryGirl
    SherryGirl Posts: 40
    First of all I feel nothing/no one should make you feel down about your self. We beat ourselves up enough without help! Second if you want it do it. He's gotta do what he's gotta do, and so do you! Just my thoughts and feelings. You don't have to listen to it... just you asked so... LOL What is your business?
  • MrsPalek
    MrsPalek Posts: 17 Member
    Wow- I could have put the same post on here. My husband is supportive of my weight loss attempt but he is not supportive of my business. He acts as if its some dipsy thing I'm trying and will forget about or get bored with. I'm hoping when I start bringing in a profit he will change his attitude.
    I found out a long time ago that I can't get exactly what I want from anyone else..I have to be there for myself and if other's are there to give me accolades then that's even better.
    I lean on my team members and my up-line for inspiration and motivation.

    But- I am always here to listen to your frustrations and to give you positive feedback.

    Dana R