Question: Lack of Self Control with certain foods only



  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    The only 'treat' I keep in the house is dark chocolate and I keep it in the freezer. I eat it everyday 1-3 squares. If I had milk chocolate in the house I would eat it all in one sitting. I am the same with chips. If it's in the house, I eat it! I recently started doing the same with diet cola (I wanted to drink more water), if I want it I have to buy it and only in the smallest size. When I tried to give up cola before I couldn't because I told myself it was bad and when I craved it and had it I felt bad and started drinking it again. This time I said I could always have it if I wanted it but I couldn't keep it in the house, I had to drive to the shops and buy it. It's been 6 weeks and I have had cola 1-2 a week, rather than everyday. I drink mostly water now. I did go through withdrawals. massive headaches! I don't eat donuts because I don't like them so they are not tempting in any situation.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't know why it is, but I'm like that too. My DH has potato chips in the house all the time, and I'm never tempted. Yet bring in a chocolate cake, and I'll eat it until I feel sick. I cannot have it in the house. I wish I could just have a bit. But for now, I just go out to a restaurant for chocolate cake if I really want some and I can fit it into my calories - which is almost never LOL.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have issues with potatoes and pasta. I reduced my carb intake to lower my blood sugar. It has also reduced my cravings to a manageable level.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    For me, it is anything savory, and things that are crunchy. I ADORE CHEESE, and a plate of crackers. Cheese Its. Anything with salt, crunch and cheese.

    My kids love homemade cookies, cakes, pies, anything sweet that I make from scratch. I can easily make bunches of sweets for them, and never touch it. I just don't like sweets, and never have.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    Same. Salty stuff isn't an issue. Chips will go stale. Sweets, though? Yeah, I am quite happy with environmental control vs. trying to whiteknuckle my way through a whole box of doughnuts on my counter. Screw willpower. I have strategic planning and buying power. ;)