Let's motivate eachother

Add me, lets motivate eachother and get to our goals!!


  • dchevalier
    dchevalier Posts: 49 Member
    I agree!!
  • jennasullivan222
    jennasullivan222 Posts: 16 Member
    Same here! I have been looking for someone(s) to be accountabilibuddies with. If we add each other as friends, we can stay abreast of each other's progress, support and encourage one another and know that the others can see what we are doing, too. Sound good?
  • JonsieMcJones
    JonsieMcJones Posts: 26 Member
    That does sound lovely. I need people as well. Last time i was on here i lost 10lbs. Now I've gained it back and then some D: buuuuut this time will be better. I've got a good feeling. Add meeee!
  • fuzz82
    fuzz82 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! Need to be accountable as I lose motivation and fall off the wagon