Diagnose Me Please -



  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Barring anything medical..... sounds likes classic overheating / low electrolytes. I would just cut out the sauna and see what happens.
  • rjulian20
    rjulian20 Posts: 21
    33 mins of cardio plus hot sauna plus hot shower= raised blood pressure

    hot showers are actually bad for you...i was always taught to start out with lukewarm water and eventually raise the temp to what you want it & then gradually lower it back down before getting out....scalding hot showers are bad for your health (or at least, that's what i've been told)

    maybe see if symptoms persist.....then call your doctor! feel better :)
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    Something similar happened to me a few months ago - I overran my bath with really hot water and got in without putting much cold in, and because it was a cold day I was glad of the heat, but it was too hot. I ended up dozing in there for a bit, and woke up because I was getting a headache, so got out of the bath and was feeling a bit funny, a bit faint and a bit sick. I thought I'd be ok, so carried on getting dried and put a towel around myself, then I started feeling reaaaally bad, I got fuzzies in front of my eyes and my ears buzzed, then I collapsed into my bathroom door, bashing my head (ow), and must have been out for only a few seconds, but it disorientated me and took me a while to realise where I was. So, I quickly laid down on my bed and stayed there for a bit until I'd cooled down and felt more normal. I was worried about what had happened too, but googled it, and I think the hot water had raised my blood pressure too much, making me faint. If you had been in a sauna, then had a hot shower, the same thing probably happened to you. I just make sure I don't have stupidly hot baths anymore! Lesson learnt!!
  • fergalizcious
    Sometimes when I run in the morning, especially on hot and humid summer days, haven't eaten breakfast, chug water too quickly afterwards, and quickly jump into a very hot and steamy shower this happens to me. I actually had to pull the car over on the highway one morning on the way to work to throw up on the side of the road (gross, I know). I think it's a combination of low blood sugar & dehydration, which don't mix well with steam. Make sure you eat something before you exercise (however little) and sip water slowly throughout your workout.