Students that are fighting to lose the pounds team (ages 18-



  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76

    Whoever loses the most weight by Febuary 17th will get to share with us what their secrets of success are such as : recipes, tips, workout plans, late night cravings (so keep track of your pounds lost and how much you eat and what you might be the winner!)
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh! Am I too late? This is so cool! :bigsmile:

    I'm a work at home mom of a 16 month old and full time graduate student.

    Name: Hannah
    Allotted Calories: 1200 - 1400 (normally somehwere in between)
    Consumed Calories: 1356
    Current Weight: 211
    Goal Weight: 145

    - Do the 30 Day Shred for 30 consecutive days
    - Get past Week 1 of the couch to 5k :embarassed:
    - Drink approx 100 oz of water a day
    - See a doctor to get a full workup, since I'm doing everything right and GAINING weight. :angry:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    This is a really good idea!!! I am a sophomore in nursing school and it is waaaaayyyy stressful! I don't really know how i am going to make it another 2 and a half years but i am ready to give it all I have

    name: Kelsey
    Allotted Cals: 1200
    Consumed cals: normally 1600 because I workout
    Current Weight: 155.5
    Goal Weight 135

    Goals for this challenge :
    A. workout 5-6 times a week
    B. Don't binge in the afternoon/evening because of stress
    C. Eat 5-6 small meals a day
    D. Goal weight by one month: 146

    Good luck to all and I look forward to hearing about your progress!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I WAY overate the other night (on clean foods) and woke up a lot lighter. It makes no sense in terms of the mass of the food, but I'm not complaining.

    I'm at 131.6 (down 1.4 lbs).

    I am not sure how many cals I'll have today, probably around 1700. I'm at around 300-400 now, and I'm working out at 2. Today is going to be a bit of running and a great upper body day.
  • lreichelt
    by eating a lot of clean foods like that it probably kicked your metabolism up for the night a bit.

    I can't even weigh myself anymore because I only have a scale at the school's gym and I don't plan on going over there early in the morning when I generally weigh myself. UGH its frustrating not knowing how I'm doing.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    I did the same thing last night!!!! :laugh: except I ahd a poptart!! I was tired, and hungry, and needed 250 more calories just to hit 1200..I woke up and weighed 1.1lbs lighter..wierd.
  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    I found an idea for us! Everyone start making reward lists for yourself! For example "When I lose 10 pounds I'm going to treat myself to a dinner at Red Robbins." Then the more you lose, you'll treat yourself and you'll want to b/c you'll wanna do that! :] let me know what you guys think of this idea.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    That is awesome! And I really think mine will be Red Robin :laugh: ...mmm a whiskey river bbq chicken wrap sounds amazing...and so does some onion rings!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    that is a good idea ;) It is hard for me to want to do food though cause i feel like it shouldn't be a reward, it should be more of an "in moderation thing"- i can eat what i want" I don't know. I definately don't have that mentalitly now but I am so trying to get there. I would love to treat myself to something though. i don't have much money to spend~ i am sure you are all in the same boat seeing as how we are all students. However, I think i might buy this cell phone cover i have been wanting. It is not that much, but maybe everytime i see it, it will remind me of my successes and how great they feel ! ;)

    Hope everyone has a good friday- make good choices over the weekend! I know if I do, i will feel so great come monday morning ;)

    I am so excited for this challenge and have high hopes
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    that is a good idea ;) It is hard for me to want to do food though cause i feel like it shouldn't be a reward, it should be more of an "in moderation thing"- i can eat what i want" I don't know. I definately don't have that mentalitly now but I am so trying to get there. I would love to treat myself to something though. i don't have much money to spend~ i am sure you are all in the same boat seeing as how we are all students. However, I think i might buy this cell phone cover i have been wanting. It is not that much, but maybe everytime i see it, it will remind me of my successes and how great they feel ! ;)

    Hope everyone has a good friday- make good choices over the weekend! I know if I do, i will feel so great come monday morning ;)

    I am so excited for this challenge and have high hopes

    I'm the same way. I find that, by allowing myself to have treats when I want, I don't want them as much and I never ruin a whole day with a binge on cruddy food. I will have a piece of chocolate here and there or go out to lunch and get something healthy and eat 1/2 of it. Then food isn't a reward or punishment, it's just there for energy.
    I plan on buying myself a cute pair of shorts in 5 lbs. I never wear shorts because my quads are so big and they just don't look right. Hopefully once I'm down that much I'll have lost a good bit of body fat and they'll be more flattering.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I did the same thing last night!!!! :laugh: except I ahd a poptart!! I was tired, and hungry, and needed 250 more calories just to hit 1200..I woke up and weighed 1.1lbs lighter..wierd.

    Oh...I ate more like 2,000 LOL....:blushing:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hello my erudite fellows! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are all doing well! I believe I ODed on low fat wheat things and fat free cream cheese tonight. It is one of my trigger foods. Darn them! I still had about 450 cals left for the day, but I actually wanted to have DINNER with that.

    So when is everyone done with school? What month/year do you have to look forward to! I'm done in July of this year! :drinker: :bigsmile: Baring any return to the education institution for a PhD....:ohwell:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hello my erudite fellows! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are all doing well! I believe I ODed on low fat wheat things and fat free cream cheese tonight. It is one of my trigger foods. Darn them! I still had about 450 cals left for the day, but I actually wanted to have DINNER with that.

    So when is everyone done with school? What month/year do you have to look forward to! I'm done in July of this year! :drinker: :bigsmile: Baring any return to the education institution for a PhD....:ohwell:

    May 10th is graduation...but then I still have my internship over the summer...and probably 3 semesters of o-chem, biochem and physics...then heading to VCU for a PhD. So, maybe summer 2017? :laugh:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    AAAAH! Classes start Monday!

    I'm currently having a tearful goodbye with my stove and oven. They are such devoted friends, always making sure my healthy, fresh food tastes even better.

    But I'm excited about seeing my school's cafeteria again. It's very health-conscious, and the manager emailed me to say they've started listing exact nutritional values on most of their items. I'd been bugging her about it all semester. YES!!! Now I don't have to get all pissy when I'm in a hurry and tempted to grab a sandwich but worried about what's on it.
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    I won't graduate from nursing school until may seems so far away~ please say it will go by quickly ;) i know the rest of my schooling has but it is so hard to keep going when it is so stressful and the end seems no where near!!!

    Any plans for the weekend anyone??? I will be a good friend to the library :laugh: but am excited to catch up on all of my work! (sad, eh?)
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Well..I many never finish,.....Here in Nevada we have a budget crisis, and they keep cutting classes... If I could go to school during the day, with no budget crisis..I would be off to law school in Jan 2011.. Now I dont know!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Agh... okay its TOM for me and I just feel like the little green emoticon :sick:

    This is really bizarre for me because I've never gotten cramps in my life and DH says he's never noticed a difference in my mood. But EVERYBODY is noticing a difference right now - particularly my poor boss, who I think I terrified this morning. :embarassed:

    I was doubled over on the couch for 5 hours last night after my exercise, and this morning I still feel like crap. WTH? Why all the sudden? Rawr. I have no appetite which is nice, and I fully intend to put my stupid body through Jillian's 30 day shred today but dang. Kinda weird, but I sympathize with women now who suffer during TOM. :huh: I used to think ya'll were just big babies. :tongue:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Well, how's everyone doing? I'm 21 and a grad student in college, but since my best friend's 17 I thought you guys were probably my type - it's so nice to know it's not all soccer moms around here!

    I weigh somewhere between 130 and 134, depending on the day and time of day, but I'd like to weigh between 120 and 125, which is a healthy BMI for me.

    I need some friends on here to keep me accountable! If you would be willing to check in with me every so often, would you friend me? :smile:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hey you guys! I just graduated from college, but I wanted to tell you this is a great idea :smile: I lost 100 lbs during my 4 years in college the old fashion way! Walking to those classes and not having too much time to eat mindless things helped a lot! Take advantage of that gym & use your friends as support!

    Good luck!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    how is everyone's weekend going?!!?! Have you all found some time to do something you enjoy- besides studying?! :happy: