Looking for Mom friends!

Hi, I'm not new to MyFitnessPal but sadly I've come and gone through the years and for the past few years I've mostly been "GONE." I was pregnant 4 times in 2 years. After 2 pregnancy losses I finally have 2 amazing little boys: a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I kept getting bigger with each pregnancy and now I'm obese but finally ready to start concentrating on losing the weight.

Today is my third day of tracking what I eat, trying to eat healthy/consciously, and walking. I've lost 6 pounds already but it's only because I have soooo much to lose. I want to keep it up despite an upcoming vacation and "life happening." I'd love to have more mom friends who are trying to be health conscious and running around keeping up with our little ones. We can keep each other accountable and motivated. Please feel free to friend me! Thanks and best wishes to all.


  • deejo82
    deejo82 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, i am a mum of 3. I recently lost 10kgs doing weight watchers online. It took me over a year though. I have now joined on here and also am doing classes at my local gym. I would like to lise 5 more. Anything under that would be a bonus. I have always struggled to lose weight no matter what i ate or how much i excercised. Here goes! See how i go!
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, I am a mum of 2.
    Like yourself, I am not a new member.
    I have gained weight and want to lose it again, but also I want to change the way I eat.
    At the moment kids are on school break so going to the gym is hard, however I have been taking them to the park, swimming and now bike rides when I can.
  • Heelllooo. Precious child you got there. I have a 4 year old and it's tough having to care for not just myself but for another human being. Couldn't have it any other way. I've recently lost over 20 lbs, just by choosing healthy food and eating small frequent meals. I also have a "lost over 100 lbs" on my experience list so any advise I can provide would be my pleasure.
  • deejo82
    deejo82 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi erika60007, what are some snacks that are high in protein low in calories that you have used? Thanks.
  • deejo82 wrote: »
    Hi erika60007, what are some snacks that are high in protein low in calories that you have used? Thanks.

    Cottage cheese with fruit. Greek yogurt and chia seed. Almonds and pistachos are awsome in controlled quantities, of course. A warmed corn tortilla with a string cheese..yumm. Sometimes just a good ole boiled egg and a glass of juice to wash it down helps. Gotta get creative with foods you like. Hope yhis helped.
  • myjourneytofight
    myjourneytofight Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me. I have been up and down with my weight but decided now is the time. I am a mom to two boys: 9 & 8 after one miscarriage. I too am obese and have been logging for 21 days.