Very ill after eating unhealthy

emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
edited August 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Hey guys

So I've been on a 1400 calorie clean eating diet for 112 days now and doing very well lost 8" so far! A few days ago I had 2 cheat days where I ate alot of junk food type food, and I after that night I was seriously ill i had severe stomach cramps felt ill, had a temperature, was throwing up too, had to phone an ambulance on my doctors advice, felt so sick and now I'm on tablets for my stomach ny doctor said I have severe indigestion. It's so scary! Im scared to eat anything now as the pain was so bad! Has anyone else had anything like this? It was such a horrible experience it's happened twice now so I'm never eating unhealthy ever again! Which is a good thing anyway :) would be nice to know if anyone else has had this



  • BigTandthesquatters
    BigTandthesquatters Posts: 151 Member
    Happened to me. I was eating very low fat to start and I had a cheeseburger after about 4 weeks of doing that. I basically had to camp in my bathroom. There was 12 of us who all ate the same thing so I knew it wasn't food poisoning. I think sometimes your body gets used to clean eating so it stops producing certain enzymes you don't need anymore. So when you dove into the junk food your body wasn't equipped to digest it. That is how it was explained to me by my nutritionist. Feel better and grats on your 8" loss.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    If I eat a large amount of food that is drastically different than the majority of my diet then I will get severe indigestion. It happens if I eat too much salad or oatmeal. It happens if I eat too much fast food. It does not happen if I eat at Cici's (a pizza buffet with awesomely crappy pizza) and eat a moderate amount of pizza with a large salad.
  • timeisfiction
    timeisfiction Posts: 25 Member
    It happened to me as well...maybe not quite as severe but since I've been eating clean, if I have any greasy foods at all I get sick. Stomach cramps and the whole bit. I think our bodies get used to the healthier things and when we put crap in it, it gets angry (:D). Technically, it should just tell us how horribly we were treating ourselves before.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Same thing happens to me. If I eat only good nutritious things for a long time and then indulge in greasy junk, I'm going to be very sick.
  • briannethomas2309
    briannethomas2309 Posts: 2 Member
    Did they check for gallstones? This sounds like a gallbladder attack. The first time this happened to me the said it was "severe heartburn". It happened a couple more times after and I ended up having massive gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    Yet another reason for me to continue staying away from junk food!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It happened to me as well...maybe not quite as severe but since I've been eating clean, if I have any greasy foods at all I get sick. Stomach cramps and the whole bit. I think our bodies get used to the healthier things and when we put crap in it, it gets angry (:D). Technically, it should just tell us how horribly we were treating ourselves before.

    Not exactly. It is simply due to eating a very different diet.
    Typically, "unhealthy" tends to mean high fat. When people are dieting they are often eating a lower fat intake than normal. Going from a low fat intake to a high one will cause stomach discomfort. It doesn't matter the source of the fat, whether it is what one would consider a "healthly" source or a cheeseburger, it is going to have the same effect. But people don't typically overindulge of avocado and coconut oil. The source is usually what is considered junk food, there for the quality of food gets the blame. It isn't.
    People will also have the opposite problem when cutting back fat, they can experience constipation.
    Going from a bland diet to eating something spicy can cause stomach problems. Even adding a bunch of veggies all at once can cause a lot of stomach discomfort.
    It is an indication of a big change in what your stomach is used to, not an indicator that it was unhealthy.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Did they check for gallstones? This sounds like a gallbladder attack. The first time this happened to me the said it was "severe heartburn". It happened a couple more times after and I ended up having massive gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed.

  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited August 2016
    Did they check for gallstones? This sounds like a gallbladder attack. The first time this happened to me the said it was "severe heartburn". It happened a couple more times after and I ended up having massive gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed.

    I started having stomach pains and indigestion on vacation a few years ago, and thought maybe I had food poisoning. About a week into my vacation I sat up in bed with a severe stabbing pain. It was my gall bladder which I knew was a problem after an MRI showed it was full of stones. Drove a thousand miles home by myself the day after the operation. So yeah, if it were me I'd ask if they checked for gallstones. High fat foods can trigger a gall bladder attack, by the way.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    It sounds like a gallstone attack, triggered by high fat intake, but ironically and sadly very likely caused by low fat diet/fast weight loss. Get a checkup.

    I too had mine removed. I still get attacks from time to time, out of the blue; triggers seem to mainly be eggs and large amounts of certain raw vegetables, but other times nothing happens.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I have to agree with the gall stones. This sounds EXACTLY like what I went through for years every time I ate a greasy meal. I'd try to get an appointment with someone who can do an ultrasound and look for gallstones. It's hideously painful and can lead to more severe complications if it goes unchecked.
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    Did they check for gallstones? This sounds like a gallbladder attack. The first time this happened to me the said it was "severe heartburn". It happened a couple more times after and I ended up having massive gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed.

    Hey, the doctor suspects it could be gallstones, i am on omeprazole at the moment and have a blood test to, the pain doesn't appear when I'm eating healthy. Hope it isn't gallstones, was the operation painful?
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    bethannien wrote: »
    I have to agree with the gall stones. This sounds EXACTLY like what I went through for years every time I ate a greasy meal. I'd try to get an appointment with someone who can do an ultrasound and look for gallstones. It's hideously painful and can lead to more severe complications if it goes unchecked.

    I'm having a blood test tomorrow, the doctor said he suspects it may be gallstones, i hope it isn't.
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    It sounds like a gallstone attack, triggered by high fat intake, but ironically and sadly very likely caused by low fat diet/fast weight loss. Get a checkup.

    I too had mine removed. I still get attacks from time to time, out of the blue; triggers seem to mainly be eggs and large amounts of certain raw vegetables, but other times nothing happens.

    Check up tomorrow hopefully it's OK
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    They did laparoscopic surgery on me -- they may tell you they don't know if they'll need to make an incision until they get in there. You go to sleep, you wake up and there are four tiny incisions with bandages on them. Absolutely no pain in my case. If you need it out, there's nothing to be afraid of. I don't think there were any restrictions post op, I think they suggested people respond differently to fat after having it out so they suggested staying away from large amounts of fat in a meal until I figured out how I responded to it.

    I just had hernia surgery a couple of months ago and that was no big deal, either. Modern medicine is fantastic.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Yet another reason for me to continue staying away from junk food!

    Yet another reason why I'll never eat low fat. I like insuring my gallbladder gets emptied daily, thanks. ;)

    Exactly this. I tried to stick to a low fat diet for years and it cost me my gall bladder. :(
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Yet another reason for me to continue staying away from junk food!

    Yet another reason why I'll never eat low fat. I like insuring my gallbladder gets emptied daily, thanks. ;)

    I don't eat low fat. I just eat healthy fats instead of junk. You shouldn't assume that if someone eats healthy it has to be low fat.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I had this after eating too many jellybeans
    hasn't stopped me though