help motivate me?:(

starting to eat more and work out less :(


  • Dontlookatmee
    Dontlookatmee Posts: 4 Member
    Have to lose 3 stone
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    You can do it, one meal and one workout at a time. I find that I have uncontrollable cravings if I eat junk food. When I eat more protein in my diet (chicken, eggs, yogurt, occasionally red meat) and I cut out the flour and sugar, I stop having cravings. And it's OK to switch out your workouts - try something new. Walking? Hiking? A Zumba class? Bicycling? Lifting weights? You have to get to that point where you truly believe YOU ARE WORTH IT.
  • HTS1978
    HTS1978 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in same boat as you. Need to startling the pounds but food is getting in the way. Mucking term logic has been ill start tomorrow and this is my last take away...... it's amazing how many last take aways I have had. It's a case of going from one to sleep to another. Do the best you can for today. Go to sleep and do the same the next day. Soon enough it will be a routine. That's my new logic.
  • Dontlookatmee
    Dontlookatmee Posts: 4 Member
    thanks guys c:
  • tmjoellenbeck
    tmjoellenbeck Posts: 5 Member
    I agree. I am a creature of habit. I had to find a class. Working out on my own was too easy to blow off. With a class people ask where you've been. I also discovered that I get a great endorphins rush from weights so I do a bodypump class at the Y. I committed to 3 days a week and I've been doing it. I need more cardio and I am trying to figure out how to get that in.
    My biggest problem is food. I eat when I'm not hungry. I eat too much fast food. I eat when I'm bored or depressed.
    I don't know how to send a friend request so please send one to me if you think we can help each other.
  • celumie
    celumie Posts: 22 Member
    edited August 2016
    Feel free to add me we can motivate eachother!
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    MEAL PREPPPPPPP... Of course this calls for a bit of planning and hour or two once a week weighing and prep food for week, but atleast you then know what you'll eat each day!