Need Accountabilibuddies!!

Hi! I'm new here... I live in San Diego, CA. A beautiful city filled with beautiful people, inside and out. I have been trying to chip away at this weight forever. I have been a yo-yo in recent years... Coming from about 120 lbs to 150 to 130 to my current and heaviest at 170 (cough cough). Ugh, that's a hard pill to swallow. I'm so emotionally and physically uncomfortable that I just can't do it anymore. So, I'm here. Let's do this together! What do you say???


  • calomeni85
    calomeni85 Posts: 35 Member
    Your weight has fluctuated exactly like mine! I'm in!
  • DaisyDuke656
    DaisyDuke656 Posts: 18 Member
    calomeni85 wrote: »
    Your weight has fluctuated exactly like mine! I'm in!

    Same here
  • jdeb2009
    jdeb2009 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! I want in!!!
  • hgrace78
    hgrace78 Posts: 23 Member
    Yeayyyy! Thanks for your help!! Because I have just now realized I have morphed into a trader joes cheese puff. No Bueno.
  • jamiebaby2013
    jamiebaby2013 Posts: 7 Member
    Same here 120 at my smallest 174 at my heaviest struggling to get down from 140 right now. Constant up n down always scared of that 150 I know it's getting bad. I'd love some motivation and I'm on here all the time to reciprocate. Feel free to friend me!
  • Ricktastic89
    Ricktastic89 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Lost 75 pounds at one point, gained it all back and then some due to some horrible life choices. Looking to get back on track
  • rachauthon
    rachauthon Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in - I lost 50lbs a while ago and have been stuck in the 160s ever since. I'm both afraid I won't be able to hold on and afraid I'll never move that number lower. Could use some more people to help motivate me. :)
  • hgrace78
    hgrace78 Posts: 23 Member
    Let's do this, y'all!!!
  • MrsBenTarr
    MrsBenTarr Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in! I'll add you!
  • saramwalker85
    saramwalker85 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I'm new to San Diego too. Weigh has been fluctuating 125-110 and back. Need some motivation to say in shape & keep at a steady weight to feel better
  • Lizzy0518
    Lizzy0518 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new here as well.. kind of. I've used My Fitness Pal on and off over the last few years but I've never used the community forum. I'm 21, in college and currently at 160. I would prefer to be around 140 -145 but I'm really aiming for 150 and being healthy. I think it would help to have some buddies!
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    I'm a native San Diegan (and still not sure if that's how you spell 'Diegan'), been on MFP for ~3.5 year and have gone from 180 to 210 to 224 to 190 to 224 again... and now down to 220. Doing T25 and hope to start hiking regularly again (San Diego has some great hiking spots... well, for San Diego anyway) :)
  • RaiderlovinGammie
    RaiderlovinGammie Posts: 5 Member
    I may be in New Mexico, but count me in! 230 at my heaviest. In Oct 2015, an acute Illness took me to 199 in 6 days. Got down to 188 in Feb this year. In May, that illness returned, this time chronically. Long story short, I am back 201 today. My long term goal is 140-45. I have been there before and not only was I healthy, I felt it, and I looked it. It will take time, and help, but I will get there.
  • raw_key
    raw_key Posts: 36 Member
    This is almost identical to the issues I've been having over the last several years. I've been look for people to hold me accountable. It wasn't until earlier this week that I decided to start seeking people out on MFP bc my social group, isn't really interested in loosing weight.
  • llamalady624
    llamalady624 Posts: 1 Member
    Ive used my fitness pal on and off for years, but I've never been part of a group. I would like to get back on track, so I'm in to try :D
  • xjchic98
    xjchic98 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm definitely in! I need motivation badly!!
  • hgrace78
    hgrace78 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes!!! Let's do this people!! I think I've added you all. What do we do this... We post one goal in the morning, when you wake up and post it.. For example.... "I'm going to the gym to do a 30 mins workout." Or "I'm going to stay under my sugar goal today", etc, etc.. and we all keep each other accountable for meeting that goal. I'll be watching you and you watch me! Everybody does better when someone is watching! Haha. What do you think?
  • jknightlynn
    jknightlynn Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I'd love to join in, please add me- need the motivation!
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    edited August 2016
    Can you add me too? A couple of years ago I lost 65 pounds and got down to 190 from 265. 190 is ideal weight for my height and body type. I looked and felt great, but started gradually putting the weight back on. Now I'm 230-something again and determined to figure out how to get back on track and stay there! I read the myfitnesspal blog about accountabilities and made my food diary public to try to keep myself accountable that way... I'm in Buffalo NY, but I'd love to join your community as well. Will you add me?
  • blueeyes25s
    blueeyes25s Posts: 78 Member
    Same boat here. Smallest 120, highest was like 175. I was down to almost 140 and ever since I had my son I have been stuck at 170 and having trouble getting back to a regular diet and finding time for exercise.