How often should I weigh myself?

How often should I weigh myself? Just wondering I used to weigh myself daily..


  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Daily is probably too much as so much can change in only a few hours (water weight, how much you ate, when you ate last, etc).. I suggest a weekly weigh in, but I know it's easier said than done when you are used to weighing daily. I too am struggling with weighing too often! :happy:
  • LukeBarrs
    LukeBarrs Posts: 30
    generally speaking people tend to do it once a week and at the same time that week. I think it's because you can become demotivated when you store water etc. That's what i'm doing anyways, Every Friday morning
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    you will get all sorts of replies, but no matter how often you weigh yourself at home for your own motivation/ satisfaction, I would only log it on here once every week.
  • brown29154
    i dod it once a week at the same time...I do it first thing in the am after i set out of bed....Good luck and keep up th great work
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Once a week since my goal is to lose two punds a week is what works good for me. Daily is too much since your weight might bounce around a bit during the week. Could be discouraging.
  • MelissaGull
    You all are awesome thanks!! I'm going to try and stay off the scale for 6 more days.. lol.. Heck I went years without owning one. :tongue:
  • skibrina
    skibrina Posts: 36
    they say once a week is good. I do every week. sometimes every two weeks. just really depends. If i feel bloated i will not weigh myself. cause if i see a gain i freak out and will just blow it all off. I know my body like clock work as well. so i know when pms is hitting.
    but once a week is good rule, and first thing in the morning.
    stay strong!!!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I used to do it once every two weeks. Not that I'm at my last 10 pounds, I'm doing it once a week. It'll fustrate me to the point of working harder.
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    Yep once a week, first thing in the morning is best :) x
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Honestly, I think it's a personal choice. For me, weighing myself daily becomes obsessive and it's all I can think about. What that scale says each morning sets the tone for the rest of my day! And since there is so much fluctuation throughout the week, it changes daily and makes me crazy! SO...I try to only weigh myself on Monday mornings. Once a week, at the exact same time.

    I'm trying very hard not to get obsessed with the scale and the number, but focus more on how I feel, how my clothes fit, etc. It's hard though, we love to see that number!
  • MelissaGull
    skibrina.. I know that feeling!! I run from the scale on those days, it just get's me down for the day!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    My wife and I weigh ourselves daily, same relative time each day. I will agree that you do have to keep in mind that you WILL see fluctuations if you weigh daily, based on hydration, sodium intake, diet, type/quantity of exercise the prior day, a girls monthly cycle, etc.. Based on that fact, we feel that we can try to get a better handle on what factors might make us hold a bit more water than normal, etc. We are also aware that this is a marathon and not a sprint, and we focus on the pattern and NOT on a single result. I am an engineer by trade, so I will make excel spreadsheets to track results and find it interesting and satisfying to track my results to watch the trend. I feel at times that the challenge to my motivation is on those days when i see a bigger number than I want, but I keep following my program and eat right and the number is soon back in the right direction. I had a scale in the bathroom for years, but never used it, so perhaps I feel the daily habit works best for me and that if I weigh every day by habit that I am forced to be honest with myself about diet and exercise. Also, it is my opinion that testing once a week has the potential for showing bigger relative losses, but also bigger relative gains if you tempted to cheat during the holidays etc.. based on that, I like the more granular view of my weight. I am now weighing every day, but only record my friday morning weight on my spreadsheet. I also track my measurements every friday morning. I find the combination of weight information with measurements is a great combo, especially if you are also working out. I have hit periods where i was working out very hard but my weight did not change. that might have been a bit depressing, but luckily I saw that my measurements were all shrinking, even though the scale showed no change.

  • Buttons4Eyes
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I only weigh once a week...on Monday. That way I hold my self accountable over the weekend to eating healthy.
  • Jcdaniels
    Jcdaniels Posts: 22
    That's a good idea. I should change my Friday weigh in's to Monday's .... never thought of it that way!