Did you ever do try something exercise-centric and then realized you LOVED it? (biking, running, etc

xProfLupin Posts: 35 Member
In my town, you can rent a bicycle at a stand (there are tons of them located around the city) for 8 dollars for 24-hour access. I thought the idea was neat but I hadn't ridden a bike since I was 10 years old (I'm 32 now).. so I rented one with my friend after we got to a certain point when we were walking on some trails.. then rode the way back.

I didn't realize how fun it was! My thighs were burning and I was out of breath and my fitbit calculating "heart rate" was super high. Plus, it was super hot (think 102 degrees or so) and we were riding with the sun behind us so all this cool air was hitting me on my face and I was smiling like an idiot.

I did the same thing yesterday with a co-worker that I wanted to show the trails to (Trinity Trails in Fort Worth, TX) and show her the farmer's market at the Trailhead there. And yet again, I had so much fun.. even after I fell off the bike and fell flat on my face!

The only other things I've loved as much as that was when I was introduced to Dance Dance Revolution. I really like it when they have free Zumba classes around Fort Worth because while I look like an idiot (I'm not coordinated very well) I have fun as well ^_^

My dad mentioned getting me a bike for Christmas instead of renting one every time since he wants me to be healthier and he knows I'm poor a lot of the time (I have PCOS so losing weight is like pulling teeth but I LOVE to be active so anything helps really xD)

Just wanted to create a post and ask if there was anyone else that tried something and loved it almost immediately after trying it :)


  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Just realizing I loved exercise was huge. I was the girl in gym class who always found a way out of participating. When I got older I started working out and liked it. When I got even older, I realized I liked classes; dancing and kickboxing. So now that's what I do, almost every day.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    My most favourite thing to do, figure skating, is. I've done it my entire life and always just think of it as skating and my thing....but hey its super awesome exercise
  • TestNamePleaseIgnore
    TestNamePleaseIgnore Posts: 295 Member
    Swimming. It's a full body work out and it's absolutely refreshing. I couldn't live without it.
  • Nicholeccgm
    Nicholeccgm Posts: 3 Member
    I've tried body weight exercises and battle ropes recently. Battles ropes are a great hitt workout, and they make you feel powerful.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I grew up on a 24 inch mountain bike, and a 18 inch BMX bike. Sometime between 1999-2001 I parked them both and stopped riding for one reason or another. And 2 years ago at the beginning of my weight lost Journey I bought a Specialized Pitch 650b and a Specialized Secture and started riding again and completely forgot how much I loved Riding my bikes.

    As far as exercise goes.... I've just recently got into climbing on my bike. And I absolutely love it. Like 2 nights ago I went for a 14 mile ride and at the end of the ride I climbed roughly 415 feet up a 6%-7% grade.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I love horseback riding, at such a pace that the horse walks while I float along. It is pretty much the only exercise that is beneficial to my bad back!
  • joolie1234
    joolie1234 Posts: 126 Member
  • Sophs380
    Sophs380 Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2016
    I haven't ride a bike for many years and exercise was never 'easy' for me, I would avoid it! A year ago a friend of mine introduced me to complexes using a barbell. Oh my goodness, I love love love complexes now, can't get enough of them. It's a fab full body workout loads of cardio and muscle toning at the same time and boy you should see the sweat! I ❤ complexes
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    That's awesome! I never learned to ride a bike. I tried when I was 14 but it was a disaster, so I gave up.

    I really liked Les Mills Combat for a while, honestly. But it was just the DVDs at home and I got bored of the repetition after 6 months. I don't feel comfortable in group classes and can't do ab crunches (I get ab cramps every single time) so I'm too self conscious to go anyway... I admit I would really love to try kickboxing but I'm too chicken and it's too expensive anyway... and same, I don't really do people.

    So I guess it's walking for me, but again, I always loved walking as a kid too. But I'm an introvert... so it helps me recharge too. Never been happier than just walking in the city alone (although NYC kinda sucks for that because you have to stop every 30 seconds to cross a street). But I used to walk for hours when I lived in Paris.