new and need help

Hello everyone, I am new here and I know that I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I hope I can gain my life back and return to a healthy state. As long as I can remember I've had body issues and extreme self consciousness. When I was 13 I was diagnosed with aneroxica and battled with that for years. I was also involved in sports throughout high school and very active. I slowly gained weight with each year. When I was 27 I kept on gaining weight. I am 5'10" and was 170 lbs, looking back that is a good healthy weight for me. Now I am 34 and around 240 lbs. I try to eat healthy and move more. I deal with fibromyalia, chronic back pain, bad knees and recent neck injury. Every type of exercise hurts and I have no energy. All I want to do is sleep and if I could I would sleep 16+ hours in a day. My body craves a lot of the "bad" foods. I eat in secretcy, hide food and feel so guilty. I often wake up in the middle of the night and rummage the kitchen. Sometimes I dont remember what I ate or did. I hate how I look and feel. I can't stand being intamite with my husband. I have tried weight watchers, aitkins, low cal/ low fat, over the counter medications, prescription medications, supplements from GNC for weight loss, exercise plans and more. Please help. This has taken over my life, my marriage, my mental wellbeing and more. Thank you for your help and time. Melissa


  • carebearrum
    carebearrum Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there,
    Honestly I don't think there is anything anyone can say to help you. As the first step is wanting to help yourself. I see that you do but it's a long way off. Start small and work into bigger goals and things. Don't try to change everything at once. It will only make it worse and you don't want that. You have to stop with "I can't" and start saying 'I can" . Also I hate to say it but you might want to consider some kind of mental therapy too because sounds like you have issues that you are eating out. But i can't say for sure and I won't this is my only advice If you need an ear or friend I'm more then willing to be that one. You can add me as a Friend and I'll be there to support you!

    Carolyn !
  • tallouh
    tallouh Posts: 1
    Hi Melissa!

    From what I know about eating disorders it is heard of that a person can experience the extreme ie. overweight after having gone through anorexia. I agree with Care, therapy therapy and some more therapy for the eating disorder but it sounds like you might be struggling with some depression which doesn't help at all. I'm also curious if you're taking any sort of medication that you could be having a reaction where you are forgetting things? I had took a sleeping pill a couple years ago and I forgot everything, when I ate..that I even had a child. It was scary. Look into any medications and talk with your Dr. if this is happening, if you are on some. I know Ambien causes food binges in the middle of the night.
  • jenking53
    jenking53 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, My name is Jen and I was wondering how you are doing. I am 53 years of age and I am now having the same issues you were and may still be having. Any information that you have learned may help me now?
  • Lorilynn_37
    Lorilynn_37 Posts: 87 Member
    First of all you need a boost of confidence! I had similar issues a few months ago but not as bad.. I literally started making myself get up and out.. Just a simple walk around your block will do something to you, it will make you feel as if you accomplished something. Then if you keep it up it will help a lot with wanting to eat healthy.
    Of course the logging accurately, weighing and measuring and keeping a calorie deficit is important but you have to first start making yourself more positive..
    I think trying to do it all accurately at first may be to much take baby steps!
    Wish you lots of luck!!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    no one can help you but you.
    no one can motivate you, but you.
    no one can DO this but you.

    Dont buy trigger foods. i dont buy and keep on hand the foods i could easily binge on (chips, cookies, whatever). If i dont buy it, i cant eat it. at least not without a trip to the store, and usually ... its just not that important. When i do want something like that, i plan for it, take my share, and give the rest to my kids to eat or take to go share with their friends, or to Sir for him to take to work.

    i lost 80 pounds over 2 years by logging every morsel that went in my mouth. i ate the same foods, for the most part, just a WHOLE lot less of them. I maintain now easily (as long as i keep those trigger foods away ;) lol ) but i do eat out, do drink, do have pizza and burgers (BBQ bacon cheeseburgers are on the menu for tonight), and otherwise enjoy food and life. But again, I don't GORGE myself on anything, and only eat until im FULL. I guarantee I eat half my burger tonight, and give the rest to Sir.

    if its important to you, you do what you need to, to get where you need to be.

    and how the hell did this thread get resurrected?
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    I'm so sorry to read your story. But don't beat yourself up. This hasn't happened because you are a weak willed person. It's the natural effect of a damaged metabolism. After losing weight in conventional diets or due to anorexia it can take ten years to get the metabolism back to normal. During that stage everyone is extremely vulnerable to piling the weight back in. I know, I've been there too.
    It's not fair for people to tell you it's all up to you. Like any of these things, quitting smoking etc you do better with a little help.
    Feel free to friend me, if you need a cheer-leaders. Ask husband, family, friends and councillors to help. They might all give conflicting advice, but all the advice will be well meaning.
    Start gently with a bit more activity (walking is fine) and a bit less food. Don't deny yourself anything. Just have a smaller portion.
    All great journeys start with a first step.
    Good luck.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yup - I've been there too - tried all the fad diets to no avail. I got so frustrated because it seemed like nothing at all was working and figured I'd have to have surgery to fix it. I ended up going to a Bariatric surgeon. He wanted me to lose 90 pounds before doing the surgery, and set me up with appointments to see his nutritionist and to go see a therapist. BOTH were HUGE steps in this process.

    I ended up losing about 140 pounds, but life happened and I fell off the wagon hard - gained 100 pounds back. Now back on the wagon. I should've gotten back on sooner, but was too busy bellyaching about it.

    Best suggestions I can make to get started are:
    Log everything down to the condiments.
    Meet with a nutritionist to see where you can make some changes to make things "food journal friendly" and any other help you might need.
    Drink lots of water, get in lots of fiber, and focus on protein - the fats/carbs will take care of themselves.
    Get a fitness tracker (I have a Fitbit One - my favorite thing is the calories in vs calories out chart - as long as I take in less than I burn, I'll lose weight).

    For what it's worth - and good luck!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Folks, this is a zombie thread from 2014. Since OP only made 2 posts, my guess is that she has long since moved on.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    Folks, this is a zombie thread from 2014. Since OP only made 2 posts, my guess is that she has long since moved on.

    I responded without looking at the dates.. I usually catch the dates.. but I responded since it got bumped..Thanks..