JG1984 Posts: 12 Member
Hi Everybody!

I just started out 2 weeks ago and I'm already down 6 pounds! I put my numbers into MyFitnessPal and have been eating the amount of calories it has been telling me I should. I try to keep my macros as close as I can to the recommended percentages - they're hardly ever perfect but I feel it's a good guide to aim for. I have yet to start up with the exercise. That will come but I'm taking baby steps. My oldest kid starts school in a couple weeks, so it'll also be easier for me to get out while he's gone and go walking with my baby in the stroller. That's how I plan to get started with moving.

How about you guys? What have you been doing and do you have any plans going forword? I'd love to hear about your progress!


  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Wow - congratulations! That's impressive... Losing that much via diet alone is cool... imagine how you'll do once you start exercising! Brisk walks are a great start...

    I started Focus T25 today (after months of sporadic yoga and trying to pick a program that I wanted to tackle first) I plan to go 60 days of T25, and add some weight training after Day 30... Starting P90X is my goal by end of year. Plus, eating healthier is always a goal :blush: I'm hiking up Mt. Whitney again next year so I've exactly one year to get into tip-top shape so I can make it to the tip-top of the mountain :smile:

    Again, great results and best of the best in your continued progress towards awesomeness!
  • JG1984
    JG1984 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks Kevin!

    Mountain hiking? Well, THAT'S impressive!!! How awesome! And just the thought of PX90 gives me anxiety. *LOL* Like I said, I'm starting really slow because although I'm not HUGE, I am still overweight after the birth of my last baby and I'm definately out of shape. Maybe someday I can think about one of those big-time workout programs without shuttering in fear. Hahaha! Good for you... now I'M impressed!
  • sunny_girl_tls
    sunny_girl_tls Posts: 422 Member
    JG1984 wrote: »
    Hi Everybody!

    I just started out 2 weeks ago and I'm already down 6 pounds! I put my numbers into MyFitnessPal and have been eating the amount of calories it has been telling me I should. I try to keep my macros as close as I can to the recommended percentages - they're hardly ever perfect but I feel it's a good guide to aim for. I have yet to start up with the exercise. That will come but I'm taking baby steps. My oldest kid starts school in a couple weeks, so it'll also be easier for me to get out while he's gone and go walking with my baby in the stroller. That's how I plan to get started with moving.

    How about you guys? What have you been doing and do you have any plans going forword? I'd love to hear about your progress!

    Congrats on your weight loss! I'm two weeks in and 8.4 lbs down. I'm taking mixxed fit and zumba classes and walking for exercise. I am watching calorie intake, but not so much macros. I hope to start doing that after a few months of portion control and calorie control. I also want to get back into weight lifting.

    I can relate to wanting to start out slow, especially after babies. I have 4 kids, and with each pregnancy it was so hard to get back into the routine of watching what I ate and working out. I always did a step at a time to get back to my original weight and it helped to make a routine of everything without being overwhelmed.

    Keep up the great work! You can do it!
  • JG1984
    JG1984 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you Sunny! (Is that your name? I know a girl named Sunny - I love that name!)

    Yeah, baby weight is not easy. People lied to me when they said, "Oh you're breastfeeding??? You've got NOTHING to worry about!" Mmm hmm. Hahaha! Anyway, slow is the way to go for me. I've jumped head-first into this kind of thing before and only kept it up for a little while so I'm easing on in this time. *LOL* Nice job on your 8+ lbs! That's excellent!!!
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    Hi there. I'm 10 months post partum with my second daughter and have lost 9 lbs in about 4 weeks. I've got around 30lb to lose in total. I've been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting which I'm finding very doable and it stops my evening snacking (I eat 10am-6pm). I am keeping to a 1100 calorie restriction at the moment. I started the 30 day shred around 4 days ago and find that I can fit that in at around 9 pm once the girls are in bed. I'm still breastfeeding although my baby eats plenty of solids so has reduced her feeds. I'm trying to move more- have got a wrist pedometer and aim for over 10000 steps and 60 mins activity daily. It's no more babies for me so I'm ready to get into shape!
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    JG1984 wrote: »
    Thank you Sunny! (Is that your name? I know a girl named Sunny - I love that name!)

    Yeah, baby weight is not easy. People lied to me when they said, "Oh you're breastfeeding??? You've got NOTHING to worry about!" Mmm hmm. Hahaha! Anyway, slow is the way to go for me. I've jumped head-first into this kind of thing before and only kept it up for a little while so I'm easing on in this time. *LOL* Nice job on your 8+ lbs! That's excellent!!!

    My 3 year old wanted to name our baby 'Sunshine' so she has that as her middle name and gets 'Sunny' as a nickname.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Think about throwing that scale away for another couple weeks, okay? I'm at 7.7lbs in two days over 3 weeks. But I know that's a lie because the next day I might have gained half-pound or whatever. One or two week weigh-ins should be good.

    Having said that, I am super happy for you. SIX POUNDS of fat - if sitting on a table? that is A LOT. Great work!
  • JG1984
    JG1984 Posts: 12 Member
    Ali, (Ali Blain, right?)
    Keep up the hard work! I know it will pay off! After my first baby, I did a carb restriction diet... not quite Atkins but along the same lines. That helped me lose a lot of weight quickly but then my gallbladder went bad and had to be removed. It started around the same time I began dieting. Could be completely unrelated but I didn't want to do anything that drastic this time. I figured I'd better take the slow and healthy route. I'd love another baby - I've always dreamed of 3. But I don't know if that will be feasible for us. So I thought I'd get in shape now, regardless.
  • JG1984
    JG1984 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! I'm weighing myself once a week. Monday is weigh-day. I used to do the daily thing but I don't want to do that anymore. It kind of makes me obsess about the numbers. I should be measuring my waist and stuff, but I know I probably won't stick to it. I gotta keep my routines manageable. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    That's incredible. Way to go!
  • samtheseahippie
    samtheseahippie Posts: 9 Member
    Just remember, it's about sustainable weight loss- not sudden. The more attached to the scale you are the more you might get disappointed once the water weight loss is over with and the hard weight loss starts. Focus on wanting to change a lifestyle and incorporating fun in- it's not about having to or counting and constantly measuring. It's about living how you want so you can feel good. I like this app because it makes me aware of what I put into my body, but doesn't say no- you can never eat a chocolate bar! or etc. It's just about compromise. Makes everything more rewarding because you earned it.

    I found telling my boyfriend and two best friends I wanted to change my lifestyle helped. We try to plan our hangouts around activities that get us moving- hikes, rock wall climbing, skating etc. My boyfriend keeps me on track when we go to bars or out to eat and they try to make it fun for me so I don't feel like I'm missing out. I'm not on a regimented diet or stuck at the gym in certain hours- I'm learning to cook veggies I never thought I'd eat in new ways and experiencing places I never explored in the areas right outside my city. It's about wanting to do it and incorporating it into your being. Make it personal for you in ways that will stick with you. I keep hearing people trying to force running on each other. Don't force running if you hate to run. It won't last. Try swimming or something else. Just want to do it long-term. It's not about the short game.

    I've been on and off this site after some illness, and I'm really glad to be back. Best of luck in your endeavors!