I run, I laugh, I snack

BrianaLyn123 Posts: 14
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I'm pretty active - I run, I hike with my dog, I go to the gym religiously. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE my snacky-snacks, and my wine. It definitely doesn't balance out, and since I have a rather big (cough cough) birthday on the ever-so-close horizon, I realized I better learn some portion control or my backside is going to take over my little corner of the world. I've always had muscular legs which hold up a backside I don't really care for. It's never going to be a cute, eye catching heiny. It's just not. I've never felt comfortable with it, and I doubt I ever will, but it is what it is, and I move on. That said, not that long ago, I had a douch-y guy tell me it was too fat for him and that was my watershed moment that made me realize a) I need to stop dating douch-y guys, and b) I probably could stand to lose some weight and tighten up what I can. I joined because I want to be honest with myself regarding what I'm eating so I can "re-learn" portion control and appropriate calorie intake. It's been interesting so far, seeing where my weak points are, and to read the struggles and successes everyone else is having. I'm not alone. Who knew?? Last, but definitely not least, I am running the Marine Corp Marathon this fall (my first - yikes), and I want to cross the finish line feeling and looking great. For me - for no one but me.
ps. The douch-y guy...I took the high road and refrained from telling him he was a troll.


  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    Your post made me laugh! I seem to have a douchy man radar or something. Aside from one or two really good ones all the guys I meet (and somehow manage to marry) are douchy. Let's make a pact to run fast from the douchy men!

    Have you thought to try the 80/20 rule? Eat great and on target 80% of the time and then give yourself the remaining 20% of the time for your snacks and wine (I love wine too!).

    As for your backside......SQUATS! Love and hate them but I've got myself a pretty awesome booty as a partial result from all the squats I do.

    Friend me!
  • bam0904
    bam0904 Posts: 25 Member
    I would have told him he was a troll. Good luck on your journey. I joined here to learn portion control myself. So far its been helping. Keep up the great attitude and I am sure you will be successful. Good luck on your race.
  • MassiveBottom
    MassiveBottom Posts: 1 Member
    Hey - you did the right thing with the troll !!!! Good for you. Men like that don't do themselves any favours do they? Thing is, the ones that say stuff like that are usually far from perfect themselves and it amazes me how they have the bloody CHEEK to criticize a perfectly nice bum! There are plenty of guys out there who will love you, to quote from Bridget Jones Diary " just you way you are" or whatever weight you happen to be.

    Good luck with your quest. You sound like a fun person who is tackling this head on and you'll succeed I am sure of it.

  • nivbed
    nivbed Posts: 4
    I think the first thing would be to come to terms with your heiny. Everybody has parts of their bodies which they think are less than "optimal". I'm Puerto Rican, so I know all about having a big butt. I know that I can't shop at H&M, I can't wear skinny jeans, etc. BUT that's perfectly ok because I've learned to embrace it! I've learned that having a big butt is perfectly fine! As far as the douchey guys go, yes you should stay away from that. However, you can also meet someone who is into your butt, because I did. My guy loves mine. :)
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Warning Warning !!!!!! you are now approaching a man bashing zone. Enter at your own risk !!

    Good luck Briana. You will find tons of support here.
  • christyp76
    christyp76 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I run... and love snack foods and wine as well! I am running the Marine Corps Marathon too! Good luck in your training! Feel free to add me as a friend for mutual support!
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    A further addition to my response.....guys who put women down for their supposed flaws (be it heiny related or weight in general), they really do tend to have issues with themselves (my nearly ex-husband liked to put me down for not being a skinny girl and really....he's short...lol) Having someone say that crap to me doesn't motivate me to change it motivates me to dig my heels in and tell them to screw off.

    People come in all shapes and sizes and there are decent folk out there that are going to love you for exactly who you are and not love you for your pant size.

    Argh....douchy men
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