Customize a workout routine for me ?

I want to have a solid gym routine and switch it up . I want to switch it up because I know the body gets used to certain things and plateaus .

Currently , I just run on the treadmill and go on the elliptical and then go on random weight machines . I don't have any dead set routine which I want to have .

I want to loose about 30 pounds by December so any routine incorporating cardio , strength training , would be greatly appreciated !

All of my workouts will be at the gym FYI :)


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    A calorie deficit plus whatever exercise you find enjoyable.

    I say this because you did not say what your fitness related goals were. Are they cardio based or strength based?
  • champion818
    champion818 Posts: 65 Member
    A calorie deficit plus whatever exercise you find enjoyable.

    I say this because you did not say what your fitness related goals were. Are they cardio based or strength based?

    My goals are more towards cardio based , I'm honestly just trying to find something that will optimize weight loss !
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    If you have cardio based goals, then maybe try signing up for a 5k race and getting on a program such as Couch to 5k to help get you running that distance.

    If you stick to your deficit, you will lose weight regardless of what exercise you do.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I want to have a solid gym routine and switch it up . I want to switch it up because I know the body gets used to certain things and plateaus .

    The body doesn't plateau cos it gets used to certain things, it gets better at doing them so what you need to do is increase intensity in some way ..speed, weight, incline etc
    Currently , I just run on the treadmill and go on the elliptical and then go on random weight machines . I don't have any dead set routine which I want to have .

    do you like the treadmill or elliptical? far can you run, how fast, what resistance? Improve those each week

    Eg for treadmill Set it to an incline, run 1 minute, walk to recover...make the incline more

    Eg my progression today was intervals at 7.2km/HR at 15%, 11%, 9%, 7%, 5% with 2 mins recovery at 4km/HR at each incline...progression would see me increase incline / increase speed / reduce recovery time/ do more intervals / do more at higher incline etc

    As for random weight machines, if you really don't want free or a proper programme set up a circuit with 2 x push arms, 2 x pull arms 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps, same with legs and butt...ask one of the trainers to set you a routine to meet specific goals

    I want to loose about 30 pounds by December

    You need to eat at a defecit to lose weight ..can't out exercise a bad diet
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member pick a premade plan will be better then one of us making one up for you. Weight lifting is great during wieght loss.
  • fitfox30
    fitfox30 Posts: 1 Member
    Weight training in itself is a form of HIIT, and keeps the furnace burning long afterwards. Also, it changes your body composition much greater than cardio will. I would recommend lifting weights and then doing some cardio like incline sprints, stairs, rowing HIIT, bike sprints anything to really torch calories but also build muscle NOT promote muscle loss. Cardio makes you look good in clothes.. Weights make you look good naked;) good luck!