Turbo Fire

crunchygirl Posts: 33
edited 12:02PM in Fitness and Exercise
I am in week 3 of TF. I absolutely LOVE it! I follow the schedule that came with it, except for HIIT. There are several different HIIT classes. I only do 30. anything less seems like it's not a good enough workout. I also add Jillian's No More Trouble Zones for strength on those days. Does anyone else add another exercise to those days? If so what do you add? Or is it not a good idea to add anything else?



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have added some elliptical work before. I'm in week 6, so no HIITs, but I think that the schedule calls for other stuff when you get back to the HIITs in weeks 9-12. But, I agree, the HIITs leave me wanting more.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I haven't followed the schedule exactly... I do the hitt classes and add in some zumba and/or swimming =)) I also just started Insanity so I have been doing both eeekkk lol
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I am doing TurboFire every second evening I am training to run a half marathon so I run one day, do TF the next. I also do Power90 Master Series every morning with my husband....so I am doing on average two workouts each day. So far, no problems!! I absolutely LOVE TF too! It is so high energy!!! ♥
  • bethany675
    bethany675 Posts: 44 Member
    I do Turbo Fire also, but I started on Week 13 b/c I came from p90x and a few other programs. The beginning ones just seemed to be "not enough". I only do HIIT 30 as well. I add in the Ab Ripper X on the days I'm not doing Abs10. I also do the Upper20 and Lower20 every other day because I need more strength training in my routine. I don't have the JM that you were talking about. I'll have to look into it.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    I just finished week 6 of 20. I will not see another HIIT workout for another 2 weeks. I follow the schedule, and do these first thing in the morning. Then if time allows in the early evenings after work, I try to do something extra. Even though the HIIT workouts are short, I do think they serve a purpose and are effective, I would not skip them, but I would and will do other things with.
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