BMI - obese



  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited August 2016
    My mom used to tell me I was obese, but you couldn't get me to admit I was more than overweight. I assumed she was just jealous because I was doing fatness better than her and didn't need surgery to correct it...Turns out I was MORBIDLY OBESE. *eats foot and apologizes*
  • zalmann919
    zalmann919 Posts: 24 Member
    I know that there is NO excuse for gaining so much. I was / am in denial.

    You give a long list of frankly daunting challenges, grief, and loss. Perhaps it would be a good time to reassess the Puritan notion that one requires an "excuse" not being super-human. You don't need one. It's called the human condition, and we're all in it with you. Don't pile guilt on yourself, save that energy for getting going on your weight loss goals. Now that you're awake, and aware, make the most of it. You have the power to make choices today.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I always knew that I was overweight, but I never took into consideration my height vs my weight, which is why when I saw that my BMI was 30.2 I was shocked that I was indeed obese. That's what made me start to lose weight. I didn't mind much being overweight, but I refused to be obese. It's taken time, but I've finally entered into the top of the normal BMI range.

    Just give yourself the time it's going to take to lose that weight. Give yourself permission to stumble every now and again. Some days will be better than others. There will be days when you don't feel like it, but that's when you have to do it. Get the digital food scale, be honest with yourself and your diary, and try to find an exercise that you enjoy and doesn't feel like a chore to do. Good luck OP!