New and looking for "friends" :)

Hello everyone,

I'm new here! I'm a teacher and don't like the extra weight (10-15lbs) that I've gained under the stress of this last school year. I've got the summer to work on it and need some reinforcement. Anyone willing to embark on this journey with me. I want to get back down to my goal weight and maintain it. My metabolism has slowed down now that I'm in my 30s and I can't seem to keep the weight off like I used to.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to finding a few buddies.


  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I'm Josie...I'm also a teacher, but I have a LOT more extra weight than you, lol. I really need some buddies to do this with because I've been going alone for the past 7 mos and haven't made much progress. Would you like to add one another?
  • missymcc
    missymcc Posts: 5
    Nice to "meet" you, Josie! We can do this together. Everyone could use that extra support. How'd you make that banner?
  • johnHouTX
    johnHouTX Posts: 6
    Hello and welcome. Your thin with only 10 - 15 pounds to lose, try 80. I am a computer GEEK so I sit too much. This counting calories has really worked for me. I love this site and app for my iPhone. I have lost 20 pounds in 40 days. Best of luck

  • missymcc
    missymcc Posts: 5
    Thanks! I've never had to count calories before so this is all new to me. I got started with the app on my iPhone as well. It's really so much more possible to keep up with it that way! Just started yesterday so we'll see :) I know that I was shocked at how many calories I was taking in. Yesterday was a light eating day and I was WAY over the recommended limit...hmmmm.

    Hoping this helps!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ....welcome...!!!....good to have you on board....!!!...feel free to add....