Hello I'm New

I am new to MFP.
Still figuring out the ropes and all the wonderful tools available!

After just one day, it's made me very aware of exercise and what I eat! I love accountability!
I have, like so many others, tried to keep track myself in the past, but it always seems to be self-destructive!
It seems the harder I try to get back in shape (or loose weight) the more my body refuses!
I am conscious enough to know to look for inches lost vs pounds (I'm a solid 5' 4" that in a size 3/4 weighs 137lbs with a 29" hips)
So it's more toning and healthy eating I need to focus on!

I would like to learn from more experiences members how that relationship works!

Any tips, tricks, suggestions and just feel good comments are appreciated!!! :)

Looking forward to hanging around!


  • cuppycake22
    cuppycake22 Posts: 224
    Welcome! This site is great and very addicting :)
  • sinman22807
    sinman22807 Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome :happy:

    My only advice is make sure you log in every day and keep track. It will really help you out! I have lost a little over 2lbs. About 2.8 So it rounds to the nearest number! But just keep up with it and exercise! May i recommend Any of Jillian Michaels DVD's She is amazing! And has a lot of them on toning the body up and such! Good luck!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you both!

    Yes I agree it's totally addicting, once I log on, I don't want to log off!

    I like looking ahead and I use the meal tracker to charty what I *plan* to eat for the day, wow what a difference!
    I can see where I'm going or where the meal choices are taking me! It's awesome!

    I'll check out those DVD's you recommend. I do have to admit I have a very hard time staying true to any indoor workout routine (yes winter kills me) I can go for hours outside and work and sweat till I feel like dropping where I stand, but to do 30 min of work-out inside and I cringe. lol

    I do have an exercise ball I LOVE (weird huh?) I try to do different reps & sets with it each day (for at least 15-20 min or as long as I can stand it),

    I finally got a set of 5lb handheld weights to increase resistance. I really want to get back in shape! :)
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I'm still here and still going! =)

    I had lots of personal things come up late in 2010, so I quit for awhile, but I'm back and looking for the results again! =)
  • Unbreakable360
    ...welcome...!!!...good to have you back...!!!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you! =)

    I love this site way too much ♥