Anyone on a Low-cal diet?

nevareg Posts: 260 Member
edited 12:04PM in Health and Weight Loss
So I have a friend who lost a ton of weight when she went to one of those Weight Loss Clinics, but she was only eating like 1000 calories a day. I know they say the weight you lose is likely to come back but I was thinking about giving it a shot. Anyone else on a low-cal diet that's had some success?


  • ascrof
    ascrof Posts: 34
    anything less than 1200 calories a day will put your body into starvation mode....Not ever healthy just my $0.02
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    its just not advisable AT ALL. if you go below 1200 a day, your body slows and starts holding onto every single gram of fat and every calorie for dear life. you'd need to eat as little as 200-500 calories, and even then it would be slow and agonizing, and probably would all come back on as soon as you stopped. just a waste of time, really.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    I'm doing 1200-1400 a day and sometimes that even feels like not enough! 1000 is definitely to low!
  • c00ncc
    c00ncc Posts: 55
    Hi there...I'm on a low calorie diet...i try not to eat more than 1200 calories a day...typically i only eat about 1000 or so and i do not eat my exercise calories that i burn. I do not feel like i'm starving myself in anyway and its working for me so far.
  • ste73
    ste73 Posts: 90
    Im just making sure I never go over my daily allowance and have just that little bit extra spare left over too at the end of the day.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    A simple question to you: Would you rather lose all the weight really fast by starving yourself, only to have it come back and probably bring along some friends or lose the weight slowly and learn how to keep it off? It's completely up to you.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    So I have a friend who lost a ton of weight when she went to one of those Weight Loss Clinics, but she was only eating like 1000 calories a day. I know they say the weight you lose is likely to come back but I was thinking about giving it a shot. Anyone else on a low-cal diet that's had some success?

    Only if you plan on putting the weight back on with interest. How is your friend doing now that she's no longer attending the clinic? The only way to lose weight is to just control your portions, add a few fruits and vegetables slowly in to your day and get up and move around once in a while. Use MFP as your guide to help change your lifestyle and lean on others for support along the way. Losing weight will be a slower process than what your friend experienced... but I can almost guarantee you that you will weight less and be much more fit and healthy than she will in a year's time. Good luck to you!!!
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i wouldnt recommend it, mfp gives u the amount of calories that ur body needs. U shouldnt go under 1200 because ur body will go in2 starvation mode and just store everything u eat and u will end up gaining weight.
    just found this when i googled 1000 cals a day.
    Your body needs at least 1200 calories per day to survive. Here is a very rough scientific break down provided by a dietician for a 5' 2", 19 year old female weighing approximately 100 pounds, sitting around all day and doing nothing:

    -The heart needs 12% of the calories (144 cals)
    -The kidney needs 12% of the calories (144 cals)
    -The Liver needs 23% of the calories (276 cals)
    -The brain needs 23% of the calories (276 cals)
    -The skeletal muscle needs 30% of the calories (360 cals)
    I cant say good luck because i do not agree with starving yourself. I hope u make a wise decision and stick 2 mfp, its worked for 100's of ppl.x :smile:
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