Insanity calories calc vs Fitbit, which is accurate?

Hi all, I'm day 25 of insanity. Haven't missed a workout yet, and whilst I'm not following the diet plan to a tee, I am counting calories, have upped protein, reduced sugar and fat. I haven't lost any weight yet (I've actually gained 2lb) but I can see the physical changes and my clothes are loosening. Ideally though I would like to lose around 15lbs. I've been eating around 1600 cals a day. The insanity nutrition guide says I need 2200 cals a day just for maintenance and should be eating 1700 cals for weight loss. The thing is I wear a Fitbit HR, (I wear it constantly and have a resting heart rate of 53) and my calorie burn on this rarely goes over 2000. Yesterday I did insanity in the morning at 6am then a weights session in the gym in the eve with my PT, my calorie burn according to my Fitbit was 2035 cals. So my question is am I eating too much? Should I reduce my cals down in line with my Fitbit, or stick with the insanity guidelines to lose weight? Does anyone have any advice or experience they can share with me? Thanks


  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    I was eating approx 1500cals per day in the first month but in month 2 you need to increase it otherwise the progress wont be as good. Just remember these are demanding exercises so you need to fuel your body and try to go for protein for recover and carbs for energy. Have those as your focus and youll do fine