Need encouragement

I gained .7lbs in a week. I feel discouraged, today little fell of the wagon with my calories. Any encouragement would be appreciated or positive thought


  • exodus1811
    exodus1811 Posts: 14 Member
    Remember that you're in it for the long haul. You'll have periods where you go backwards - use them to encourage yourself to go forwards. It's hard, but keep the end goal in sight. If today was a bad day, then that is what it is. A bad day. Nothing more. Use it to focus yourself tomorrow, rather than say tomorrow will be a good day (i.e; under your calorie goals), focus on the fact that tomorrow will be better than today and the next day will be better than that.

    The scales can be a great motivator, and equally a great de-motivational tool. Don't let them be the later.

    Keep pushing through, each day is a step closer to where you want to be - no matter how it goes.
  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    I have to agree with the above post. Sometimes the scales can really drag you down if they aren't moving as quickly as you'd like them too...but how your clothes feel and fit, and the tape measure trick can really help to bring your spirits back up. Remember that top you love but couldn't wear anymore...look how great it now fits. Remember those jeans that were way to snug in tummy zone, how amazing do they now feel. Everyone owns those clothes.

    Remember to take progress photos. Taking them every week doesn't really help because it doesn't show that quickly. I take mine every 3 weeks and I notice it.

    Feel free to add me. You can overcome this and you will reach your goal if you just practice a little will-power and remember there are people here to support you along your journey. It will be tough but nothing is ever given to you on a plate and just think of the satisfaction you'll feel for knowing you made that change happen.

    Keep your chin up