What prompted you to make a change?

Talking with a dr last night who is rather discouraged with patients who complain about symptoms that would be alleviated with weight loss (or who are increasing their already high risk of certain diseases bc of obesity), but who come back visit after visit with no change. He said he counsels them to get a handle on their intake by weighing and logging their food (actually tells them about mfp) and to incorporate some exercise, but no go.

Has anyone been spurred on by medical news or by their dr to lose weight? Just wondering if there was a common dx/ way the dr phrased things that helped light a fire.


  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    An extended stay in the hospital did it for me. It wasn't so much the "doctor talk" that prompted the change, but the painful procedures I had to go through to become stabilized. Not wanting to ever have to do procedures like that again is a very strong motivator.
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    it was because of a doctor, but not because of my weight per se. my doctor basically told me that, because of my family history, being on cholesterol/heart meds is in my future. however, she said it's up to me to decide whether that is next year or in a couple of decades. i think that feeling like i was in the driver's seat really helped me put it into perspective and realize i had to take control of my life if i wanted a quality future.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Some nerd called me scrawny.
  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    I suffered from a bad relationship and turned to food. I wanted a fresh start so I started to workout to loose weight and build my confidence in myself. Now I'm probably in the best shape I've been all my life, and I'm more happy and confident in who I am and what I can do! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    edited August 2016
    A panic attack sending me to the ER. My doctor ordering an EKG after that because I was obese and at risk for heart disease. Not being able to bend over without my fat compressing my lungs and me losing my breath. Horrible reflux. Two asthma attacks (more ER. Was hospitalized one week once). Mostly though, the scale finally moving up after maintaining 200 pounds for 8 years (in restrospect it was probably because of the steroids I took for my asthma attack!).
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Instead of telling me that I was overweight and needed to lose, my doctor asked me, "What do you think your goal weight should be?" When I gave her a reasonable figure, she asked "What do you think you should do to reach that goal?" Asking me the questions instead of her just telling me what to do made it easier to start the conversation.

    Ooh, good approach! Thank you!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    My orthopedist (and family friend) told me the best thing I could do to avoid back surgery and reduce the mind numbing pain was to lose weight.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    My constant being in pain in my hips and knees.

    My husband having a concerned conversation about my weight and how my health was being affected.

    Me being disgusted about how I looked in the mirror.

    My PCOS was out of control and I started missing periods for 3+ months at a time.

    Me being one year away from 30 years old and scared to death of entering my 30s in the obese category.

    I could go on and on, but those are some of my reasons. I know that MFP works and I've lost weight in the past here. Something about this time is different. I've been doing great and seeing the success I've had so far (down 23 lbs in a month and a half) had been super motivating.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 524 Member
    Talking with a dr last night who is rather discouraged with patients who complain about symptoms that would be alleviated with weight loss (or who are increasing their already high risk of certain diseases bc of obesity), but who come back visit after visit with no change. He said he counsels them to get a handle on their intake by weighing and logging their food (actually tells them about mfp) and to incorporate some exercise, but no go.

    Has anyone been spurred on by medical news or by their dr to lose weight? Just wondering if there was a common dx/ way the dr phrased things that helped light a fire.

    I wasn't prompted by a doctor. I lead a very hazy few years, for various reasons, and suddenly? I woke up. It sounds abrupt, but it's how I experienced this 'change'. This change also occurred after I moved away from living with parents. I feel very fortunate. Things seem to have fallen into place, stars lining up (or whatever you wish to call it), things..just clicked. There is still a fear of 'falling asleep', though..
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Has anyone been spurred on by medical news or by their dr to lose weight? Just wondering if there was a common dx/ way the dr phrased things that helped light a fire.

    Clearly some have, but not me. Mine is entirely based on appearance - both because I want to look different myself, and because people are nicer to you if you're thin.

    I've had health issues, but they've been unrelated to weight (as far as anyone can tell).
  • reddwarf63
    reddwarf63 Posts: 24 Member
    having a former work colleague telling me that i looked "fat" in those clothes. Prompted me to lose 35kgs in about 9 months. Still going, hoping to lose another 25kg by christmas
  • wagnerpe123
    wagnerpe123 Posts: 65 Member
    Has anyone been spurred on by medical news or by their dr to lose weight? Just wondering if there was a common dx/ way the dr phrased things that helped light a fire.

    Not by a doctor, no. None of my doctors every really said much to me. I was pushed when I saw my weight affect my life in a practical way. I have no co-morbidities (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar are fine). I went on vacation for the first time in about a year and I could barely buckly the seatbelt in the plane and I was almost kicked off of an amusement park ride due to not getting the right number of clicks of the safety harness. We went on a cruise and even the dining room chairs (with arms) were tight. That couple of weeks was a real eye opener and my rock bottom so to speak.

    Went on a very similar vacation a year later - theme parks followed by a cruise basically 100lbs lighter and the difference was night and day.

    I think, even if I was VERY overweight, if I hadn't been physically uncomfortable on that vacation, I wouldn't have made the changes I have.