I really need some answers

I love to eat corn I want to know if corn can have a big impact on weight gain,am trying to lose weight need your guys suggestions thanks


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Measure and know the calories of the amount you eat. Corn is 70 calories to the half cup, roughly. Weighing is more accurate, but if you measure that cup level and don't pack it or heap it you will at least be close. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with that food at all.
  • smurfette54
    smurfette54 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with the above. Corn is a part of my diet especially right now when it is so fresh on the cob and delicious. It is full of carbohydrates which is fine, but sometimes when you eat a lot of carbs in one day, the muscles store it for later energy (simplified version) which can increase your weight a bit (this goes for any high carb foods), but you will lose that in the next day or two, so no worries there.
    Another suggestion that has worked well for me, is make sure with every meal you have a high quality protein source. I try to keep my food at 35% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and 30% fat. This works for me. It keeps me satiated throughout the day (for the most part). So if I am going to eat an ear of corn with butter, I pair it with turkey, chicken or beef of some variety that I have cooked at home.
    You need to figure out what works for you, but really the most important thing is weighing/measuring your food, and logging it every day, so you can find out what works best for you. :)
  • Speakerbox90
    Speakerbox90 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you guys am going to start measuring from now,I usually eat it from the cob,you guys are really supportive,I love my MFP and all my friends
  • beardybuddha
    beardybuddha Posts: 16 Member
    Take it from a corn-fed Iowan: you'll be fine, just moderation and skip the butter.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Take it from a corn-fed Iowan: you'll be fine, just moderation and skip the butter.

    Or, have the pat of butter just make sure to measure and log it :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Take it from a corn-fed Iowan: you'll be fine, just moderation and skip the butter.

    nothing wrong with a little butter if you make it fit into your calories.
  • hummingbird92548
    hummingbird92548 Posts: 19 Member
    The food diary on here gives you the calorie count for a large ear of corn as 123 calories ...I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray for the taste of butter with 0 calories and some salt and pepper...not bad for you in moderation.