Just getting going.

kms70 Posts: 7 Member
Hi! I just started this a couple of days ago. First day not so good, much better today.
My main problem on other diets is making it a way of life to fit any day! Do you all log even on bad days?


  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    yes... its even more important to log the 'bad day's so you can see it... when you see it, it causes you to think about what you're doing more so then just knowing it.
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Yes I log every day that I can (just missed a couple) even bad days.
    Visualisation is a great thing - it just helps keep things in focus

    You'll get plenty of support & motivation from your friends every day, but they will definitely be there for you on a bad day to help you pick up again!!

    So just keep logging it

    Good Luck

  • kms70
    kms70 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks That may be where I have messed up in the past, not putting down when I have had problems. I will make sure to finish out each day no matter what. It should help to keep me looking for improvement.
  • jenwall1973
    Glad we are weight loss buddies! I didn't have "friends" last time on here and I'm excited to see if it helps me this time. On my bad days, I know it will help to get encouragement! I too find myself skipping the "logging" part on my bad days because it's hard to track. I wish there was a button to click for "Blew it out of the water!" Ha! Anyways, looking forward to our journey together on this site!! :) We can do it!!!!