I don't NEED you, I just WANT you

ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
What foods or treats, I should say, have you learned that you really don't need, you just want?

For me...I have a couple. And these are foods that I would have nearly every day before joining MFP.

Cookies....double fudge chocolate macadamia cookies to be exact. And I don't just mean one....I mean like five. At 450 calories a cookie, its easy to see how anyone could gain 15 pounds in a matter of 2-3 months. I would walk past Panera and instantly turn back around and buy 3....Well if you buy 1 its $2 or if you buy 3 its $5...I was being economical! Of course, I couldnt resist, I'd have to eat them all in one sitting.

Bagels and loads of cream cheese.....Dunkin donuts bagels, of any flavor, and I had a love affair. I still love the smell of a toasty hot bagel. MmMmmm....

Fudge brownies.....There is something about the texture and taste of a freshly made fudge brownie that made them so irresistible to me. I could literally eat a pan full without even lifting my head up long enough to realize what I was doing.

After a little over 100 days on MFP, I have noticed that I feel better, I look better and I don't crave those things as much anymore. Don't get me wrong....I have had a cookie, bagel....not a brownie yet....but I learned that they are a treat and nothing more than that. They aren't a staple of my diet anymore.

What have you given up or reduced?!


  • mike20603
    mike20603 Posts: 32 Member
    Peanut butter M&Ms...you are no longer my kryptonite.
  • vampymegs
    vampymegs Posts: 39
    This is seasonal but I can NOT pass up the S'Mohas girl scout cookies (caramel delights in some states). And I can't just have ONE cookie either ... it's like ... I have to have a row (5 cookies) and then I still will probably wipe out the entire box in one day, it's awful, my daughter is a girl scout. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    There isn't any particular food I've given up, but I have changed my habits. For example, I have given up snacking mindlessly in the evening, visiting the vending machine at work, taking second helpings, etc.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I LOVE baking. I love pouring over recipes, trying new things, and of course, eating and sharing the final products.

    I still love baking, but am working on choosing better options, tweaking recipes myself at home to make them more healthy and low cal, and looking for good lightened up versions. My favorite so far? A fruit cobbler with splenda and light smart balance margarine. 145 cals a BIG piece, so even with 1/4 cup of the 5-ingredient vanilla ice cream it is a reasonable splurge. :D
  • RoseCoreling
    RoseCoreling Posts: 55 Member
    Two little words...French. Fries.

    I literally have had dreams about them! I love them!! French fries and probably anything with an enormous amount of carbs!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I miss ice cream. Sure, I'll occasionally have a snack bag of Dibs for 170cal. But it's not the same as a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. I don't trust myself enough yet to buy a pint and attempt moderate consumption. But my goodness do I miss devouring ice cream with reckless abandon!
  • holly0623
    holly0623 Posts: 66
    Pizza! I could eat a whole large dominoes pepperoni pizza! I probably have pizza less than once a month now, but when i do it's only 1 or 2 pieces.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Pasta... Pasta.... Pasta I'll eat it once every 4 months for a special occasion
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Two little words...French. Fries.

    I literally have had dreams about them! I love them!! French fries and probably anything with an enormous amount of carbs!

    I haven't had a McDonald's french fry in months...and really want them!
  • charvey333
    charvey333 Posts: 11
    French Fries for me too. But I actually enjoy them more since I only have them like once or twice a month. I think after changing my eating habits, I really have learned to enjoy food.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I miss ice cream. Sure, I'll occasionally have a snack bag of Dibs for 170cal. But it's not the same as a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. I don't trust myself enough yet to buy a pint and attempt moderate consumption. But my goodness do I miss devouring ice cream with reckless abandon!

    AAHHH! Ben & Jerry's!! I love those two men. They mastered the art of putting heaven in little pint containers. *sigh* Half Baked, Oh how have I missed you!!! I will get it now, but feel kind of weird (not guilty) about eating more than a spoonful. I think its because I haven't figured out what a half a cup really is.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Peanut butter M&Ms...you are no longer my kryptonite.

    I love peanut butter M&Ms.... I love peanut butter anything...
  • maximileon
    :sad: I have super large cravings for a Big Texas Cinnamon roll. That thing is over 400 calories, but they call me. I am fighting it as a new member of MFP.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Two little words...French. Fries.

    I literally have had dreams about them! I love them!! French fries and probably anything with an enormous amount of carbs!

    my mouth is watering! I haven't had french fries in months and I WANT some so bad!!
  • mom2sbbj
    mom2sbbj Posts: 12 Member
    I've always had a sweet tooth, but chocolate was my go-to stress food. I'd always heard that if you're craving something sweet you should eat fruit & I always though "Yeah right!" But once I quit gorging myself on sweets I started to enjoy the natural sweetness in real foods like fruits. I still enjoy the occasional piece of chocolate, but its no longer a 'need'. I've learned that we crave what we eat and when we quit eating junk our bodies quit craving it.
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    anything after 8pm.... I am a late night snacker..... But I am finding if I resist and just dont snack, I sleep better, and wake up feeling better. Last night was rough, but I succeeded!
  • Worshipgirl247
    I am still working on giving up a lot. When I count all my cals and look at the detailed report of what I'm eating, I realize how much I am eating unnecessary cals, sugar, and sodium. I have mosty given up fast food. Every once in a while I'll grab something but not like I used to (once or twice a day) which is how I ended up in this position!! Also I'ma pizza lover! I LOVE pizza and I'm staying away from that but I do allow myself a cheat meal once a week for pizza or something else I might want that I normally won't have
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    bacon burgers!!! love and miss you haha
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    What DON'T I like?? French Fries, ANYTHING chocolate, pastries!! But thinking about how awful they made me feel after I ate them just makes me not want to. Though I will occasionally treat myself, just trying to do it in moderation :)