Carb nite worked for me

I had a hard time sticking with moderate carbs low fat and moderate lean protein diets. I experimented with ketogenic diet from april to june and effectively shed a lot of weight but i was feeling really "deflated" in muscle appearence. My strength was steadily rising the whole time and i didnt feel any burning sensation during my workouts which goes along with the theory that ketones dont produce the nasty bi product in ATP that glycogen does to cause that feeling. So i attempted carb nite once a week for 4 weeks and continued to lose weight while upping calories to try and maintain. I ended up adding another carb nite so almost carb backloading. The results within these last four months have been incredible from 198 to 169. Ive never been able to lift consistently in the military or oil field, but within 4 months im deadlifting 405 straight upper and lower back, 1 rm 295 bench, and 335 squat with a torn acl. Everything is logged so to summarize this bio hacking stuff has been effective for me but also really entertaining because ive enjoyed a large variety of food every week while burning fat and increasing performance. I was a fat kid in april so... i dont think its right to chalk it up to good genetics, its all logged take a look if u want add me, up to 3k calories on high fat days and 5000 on carb nites and still struggling to keep weight up with no cardio


  • chewyxrage
    chewyxrage Posts: 56 Member
    Impressive results. That's a lot of cals to be losing weight on, do you have a super active job?
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Yea it is but i started out at 1900 everyday to maintain, added frequency and volume to my heavy lifting. Progressive overloading and logging every workout. And its just had to go up because my body is constantly trying to lose weight and im sure if i allowed it to i could be a lot leaner but i just dont want to weight 150 pounds. Im literally forcing food down and i almost throw up at times on carb nite because its essentially so much junk at this point to get in high glycemic foods, lol but i love doing it to be honest. I can see where people who enjoy vegetables and more whole foods would have a problem though. Im a personal trainer now and other than working out for an hour, i dont do anything for activity. I have become extremely busy though and sleep has gone way down to 5 or 6 hours a night which is hurting me with cortisol surely
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    edited August 2016
    Your diary for yesterday made my head explode.

    Can I ask how old you are and your height?
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    I know man its counter intuitive. Im 27, 5'7. 169 lbs today. I log my weight everyday
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    edited August 2016
    I've been doing LCHF for 3.5 months and have lost 35 lbs and am very happy with the results and especially with the "no hunger" aspect of it all. It has been very easy. I have a desk job and my loss has been with no exercise, with the exception of 1-2 walks 5x per week of 1 mile, but this is not consistant. I keep my calories under 1400, and when I stalled for a bit about a month ago I tried a 2 day "carb-up" which for sure knocked me out of ketosis. I gained 4 lbs, but in a week I lost 8lbs for a net loss of 4 lbs. Since then I have not "carbed up," hey, I admit, I am scared to see the scale go up that much. But I am going to again once I lose five more lbs.
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Yea strict ketosis does a lot for cell regeneration type detox if you agree with the science that theortically states that carbohydrates are toxic to the body in general. But they also stimulate a lot of anabolic hormones that continue to drop during nutritional ketosis as your body becomes more efficient at using calories. Also theories on the immune system weakening without it being tested as much during long term keto. I mean its anecdotal of course and if ure on a high fat diet im gonna assume youre both open minded and intelligent. What to consider on mine is more of hormone manipulation but this last week i managed to test consistently on keto strips in moderate level of ketosis 2 days after carbing up which is a first. So im adapting to something very bizarre here and my hormones must be ramped up very high at this point to explain it. Any other opinions would be appreciated
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Yea 1400 calories is really low man, id say be careful about coming down too far because of thyroid effects and testesterone as well. Also its a good idea for anyone to get into heavy resistence training.
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    First I have to mention I have 20 years on you, so my body and how it reacts are very different than a 27 year old. For the past 10 years I could not get below 226 lbs, always went back to 240. I think CICO is garbage for many reasons. I maintained a deficit and the weight did not come off. I am no Dr. or Nutritionist, but have done enough research to know that insulin resistance was my problem. Once I solved that, and began IF (Intermittent fasting 16/8) and started LCHF, I have been at a very easy 10lb per month loss with no addition exercise. don't get me wrong, I would love to have the time to go to gym again, or even workout in my basement, but for now, that just isn't an option. I heard the saying "you can't out exercise a bad diet" and now I totally believe it's 90% diet and maybe 10% exercise, at least for me.

    I have seen many Dr's talk about LCHF and IF, but this guy is my favorite. He is a factory worker but believe me, he has done all the research and breaks everything down into simple terms. He is over 50 and lost over 150lbs on LCHF, and is a really nice guy and his youtube channel has helped me like you wouldn't believe, not only motivating me, but teaching me exactly what is going on in my body, and how to correct it.

    Love, love, love Butter Bob Briggs. This is one of my favs from him, followed by a close second of his first video "Butter makes your pants fall off" - would love for you to watch and post your thoughts.

  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Absolutely man thanks i will look it up and get back to you. And yes the calories in calories out tool is such a blunt instrument, understanding the hormones is where the science is headed now finally!
  • chewyxrage
    chewyxrage Posts: 56 Member
    Wow dude those carb up days are epic, lol. That heavy whipping cream on your high fat days, I may need to test this out :)
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Lol yea costco's heavy whipping cream brand is unbelievable but thats an effective way for me to fit those calories in. As you can see its a struggle for me to maintain i have to shove it down at this point but my energy levels are stupid. If you look back u can see i started out a lot lower. Youll be able to figure out how ur body responds to certain foods as well. And its GAS really my body is progressing.
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    edited September 2016
    Man sorry about that, really appreciate the input though. I may even be experiencing some of those issues that i have just declared were newly acquired allergies. Ive naturally started to experiment with more carbohydrates daily, like up to 80 grams and 40 of those high glycemic pre workout. You know targeted keto. I have felt better so far a little early to tell. Strangely though i have the dark purple ketone level on the strips that i never used to get. Im trying to figure out how this is possible but ill keep testing the waters. You really just showed me something that i will be more aware od though thank you!!
  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member
    @hamilton8560 no problem my friend :)
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    @hamilton8560 Have you checked your blood sugars? Lots of ketones continual weight loss despite a high cal diet, i know everyone is different but it sound like you should do a quick test for high blood sugars.
  • Just_Maddy
    Just_Maddy Posts: 94 Member
    Do you feel okay though? It doesn't take long before I stop eating fruits and vegatables for me to feel quite sick :( It starts with digestive issues and it's all down hill from there
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    On standard keto without a doubt i feel the absolute best. Initially it was a bit hard earned as i figured out i need to include more salt and pay more attention to magnesium and potassium. After supplementing a multivitamin, a magnesium pill before bed, and salt substitute high in potassium chloride. I felt great. I have walked people through that initial stage and they claim to not feel any discomfort during transition to ketones. Tojo_73 i need to youre right. It is really strange having this much difficulty gaining any weight.
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    @hamilton8560 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 24. Super fit at the time and totally asymptomatic (not tired, not peeing crazily more than normal, not overly thirsty) but losing a bit of weight. I was a competitive swimmer at the time and didnt want to lose any weight so got checked out. When tested my sugars were 33 (normal is 4-8).

    Likely not your issue and I sure hope not but ketones in your urine happens with unchecked diabetes (particularly type 1 - no longer producing insulin vs type 2 - insulin resistant).

    Simple test takes about 30sec. You can buy the urine strips as a first test.
  • hamilton8560
    hamilton8560 Posts: 61 Member
    Thats really scary. Im gonna get on it. I only ever considered insulin resistence as a possibility of developing. Another test i need to be mindful of now.
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