
Hi! I'm Laura .. Almost 43... Started this weight loss battle 70 days ago.... It was goin good in the beginning . I lost 5 pounds the first week.. The another , then another... NOW I've stopped at 15... Idk what to do... Any ideas ?


  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Hey there... I'm 42 and have red hair as well... that gets me clout huh? :)

    Anyhow, before I tell you what I think you should do, or try, can you tell us what you currently are doing? Both with food and exercise?

    I plateaued a few times and had to mix it up, but no doubt you can fire the losing back up quick-like with just a few adjustments...

    Let us know!

  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    Well, im a hairstylist ... Sooooo.... I'm standing and moving on my feet 8-12 hours a day. Ido not and I do not feel like ANY exercise after that .. I stay at about 1880 a day .. I'm gluten free for 70 days now. No red meat and ONLY organic chicken . Lots of fresh fruit and veggies and more water than I've ever drank . I have a good breakfast, 2 eggs /chicken sausage / coffee and water.. Sometimes a slice of toast. I use creamer but not sugar . I eat 5-6 times a day..
  • DarthSpence
    DarthSpence Posts: 79 Member
    Need to simply exercise more :) that's all
  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't see when I can...and I don't have the energy ... I barley make it home to eat and shower before I pass out.. I'm ip at 7 to get ready and be at work at 10, have almost an hour commute every day.. I wish I could cut my days at work shorter ... Some days I don't get a "lunch " or a break.. Just eat on the run... I walk about 2 1/2 mile whole I'm actually at work working ... But I guess that's not gonna help..
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Standing and working is a MET 2 exercise. You can use http://www.juststand.org/tabid/637/language/en-US/default.aspx to calculate your calorie burn from your weight.

    If you are using mfp to accurately and faithfully record your food and exercise, it will tell you your daily net calories. When your net calories is negative, a calorie deficit, you deserve to lose weight, but it doesn't always happen right away. Your fat cells are smart. As you use up the stored fat, the cells replace the volume of fat with water. Eventually, the fat in these cells is all gone and the cells are full of water. Then the cells release all the water in a whoosh event, in which you lose several pounds quickly. How often does that happen? For me it's about every 2 weeks. If you're living in a calorie deficit for 6 days each week and then having one day of dining out or partying hard, you can easily be eating at maintenance. You have to stay in the calorie deficit for extended periods of time to actually get the scale proof.
  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes! We eat out about once a week.. But I usually stay in my calorie range... I think I don't fully understand how all of this work yet, the things you just talked about... I won't lie, I'm completely new to this.. I've NEVER stuck to a diet or exercise plan for more than a few weeks to a month... And now I've done this for over 3 months! It's pretty exciting to me! I see most of my client every 4-6 weeks and they have all told me how great I look and that I'm thinner... They didn't even know what that I was doin gluten free or anything ... So something is working ... I'm just not seeing the weight loss :(
  • espressoshotsandheavysquats
    Well, im a hairstylist ... Sooooo.... I'm standing and moving on my feet 8-12 hours a day. Ido not and I do not feel like ANY exercise after that .. I stay at about 1880 a day .. I'm gluten free for 70 days now. No red meat and ONLY organic chicken . Lots of fresh fruit and veggies and more water than I've ever drank . I have a good breakfast, 2 eggs /chicken sausage / coffee and water.. Sometimes a slice of toast. I use creamer but not sugar . I eat 5-6 times a day..

    There are several factors that could play a role as to why you hit a plateau. If you're on your feet for a good portion of the day then your body will become accustomed to it. Once you're used to that type of job it's not challenge (or exercise) any longer. My advice would be to eat more. I don't know your stats or goals but I have seen a lot of people hit plateaus because their body is in a kind of revolt against the low calories you're taking in vs the work you're doing (and burning a lot of them). Choose nutrient dense foods that satiate your hunger.
    Another thing you could try is doing little exercises here and there to get your body used to moving in different ways ("confuse it")...while a client's hair is processing you could do wall push-ups, 20 body weight squats, 10 lunges, etc... you can find time to do exercises here and there between clients or on a break, if you don't have time to work out before or after work. Or on your off day maybe set your alarm for every hour (or whatever interval) so that you get on your feet and moving around a little more.
    I know this may not seem like the best advice -- because I'm saying, either eat more or exercise more, but everyone's different, so you may have to play a little trail n error and find what works best for you. :) Hope that helps a little.
  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    We don't actually have an "in between client or process time" we have clients scheduled in our process time... And very seldom do they no show or cancel... I guess I'm just gonna have to get up super early or stay up super late to get it done... Some ( a lot) of days we don't have a scheduled break.. We eat on the go... Hopefully one day, I will get it together ... It will all work out...