Gaining weight eating clean??

Hi guys. Just downloaded this app today. Lost weight a few years ago. Eat clean, exercise. I've noticed that my weight climbs up. Very slowly but still. Freaking out. I think my problem is portions. I think I eat too much. Hope that tracking will help me to figure out where I need to cut.


  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    Calorie deficit = losing the pounds
    Welcome and good luck!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Eating "clean" is meaningless. Figure out how many calories you need, just like you suspect you need to do.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What do you mean by "eating clean" exactly?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You can eat "clean" and still gain weight if you're over consuming calories. Weight management is about calories. I eat what most people would consider a pretty "clean" diet overall, and I've gained weight eating this way as well as lost weight and maintained weight...