A question about stretch marks

Ive been wondering about this for the pass few days. Anyways my question is When you loose weight do your stretch marks go away. and what happens to all the loose skin. If you know the answer Please answer.


  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    sorry to say bu no they dont go away, they just fade and become silvery lines. I have streach marks on my belly from being pregnant, I have looses kin that i'm hoping will go down with weight loss but i dont think it will ever be toned properly :-(
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I've really gotta look to see mine, not gone or forgotten but hardly there and I'm happy in a bikini!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    So far for me, the answer is that they don't go away, but they do fade a lot. The extra skin is another story though... I'm hoping that with time, the looser skin near my stretch marks will tighten up, as I'm read somewhere or other that it takes about two years after weight loss for the skin to get tight again (if it's going to, a lot of it is genetics!).

    Just remember that being thin and healthy with some stretch marks and loose skin is better than the alternative! At least, it is for me.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    it's a shame, cuz i have the same problem :frown:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    nope---not one little bit. They're there to stay. I just call them battle scars.
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    Age and genetics have alot to do w/ both of these. Older stretch marks most likely will never go away, although they can become faded and not very noticeable. Newer stretch marks have the best chance of going away (skin being repaired). Keep your skin moisturized and in good health for best results.

    Loose skin, check back of hand/knuckles for how thick skin is, may take a year or more to fully retract as far as it can. If you can grab more than what's on the back of your knuckles then it's fat and you need to lose more fat.

    Some people never deal w/ loose skin others will have a good bit even after giving your body 6mo-1yr to stabilize after losing fat. If after that point you still have loose skin it may never go away and you'll want to visit a doctor about surgery to remove it if it is needed or wanted by you.
  • jessele1971
    I hate stretch Marks, I never had them until my 2nd baby. All you could do is help with the appearance of it by moisturizing. Look at it as battle scars and you have won by losing weight and feeling sassy :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Just remember that being thin and healthy with some stretch marks and loose skin is better than the alternative! At least, it is for me.

    100% truth.

    Guys have them too...and while they don't go away, most thin out and turn sort of shiny as described above. Using good lotions and such can help speed the process from my understanding...but that might just be a myth.

    They do suck, but unfortunately they're just another part of the price we pay for what our bodies went through.
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    the stretch marks from pregnancy on stomach and upper thighs have lightened, but not gone. they shine and don't tan in the summer. I've lost weight before and a lot of the loose skin tightened up but there was some baggy stuff for a while. I'm hoping i can get it off again now.
  • mazzmoo
    mazzmoo Posts: 70 Member
    nope---not one little bit. They're there to stay. I just call them battle scars.

    aha a reminder of never to go back!!
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    No, they don't go away. But as others have said, they do fade some. As far as the pooch or loose skin, it does shrink and get flatter but it takes time and tons of cardio. And like another girl said, it'll prob never get "toned". But I'm not completely there yet, so who knows!?!? I know that since I've lost some weight, i can wear a swimsuit that shows some of my stretch marks and still feel pretty confident. I don't care that I have stretch marks anymore, as long as I have a flat (or as close to it as I can get) tummy! LOL
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    nope---not one little bit. They're there to stay. I just call them battle scars.

    Ditto and amen! My belly is covered with them and after a substantial weight loss, the lack of elasticity surrounding them makes it impossible for the skin to retain it's former firmness. If I want to be rid of this excess skin, I will need to seek a surgery of some sort. Either laser or invasive ... I haven't looked into either yet, as I don't have the money one way or another.
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    nope---not one little bit. They're there to stay. I just call them battle scars.

    Good one! lol
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    So ture...a reminder of the joys of motherhood!!! I have always heard that the belly will not go down if its from pregnancy unless surgery or laser treatments is done. I have lost 80lbs and well its still here and so are all the stretch marks. Those unfortunately do not go away either, they do fade.
  • AnotherMichelle
    AnotherMichelle Posts: 110 Member
    nope---not one little bit. They're there to stay. I just call them battle scars.

    Yep- I agree! Battle wounds!