63kg To 53kg In 3Mths! :) For My Wedding - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Now Many Severe Food Allergies

rosieposiesrl Posts: 27 Member
edited August 2016 in Success Stories
I lost 10kg in 3mths for my wedding!! Was so very happy. I looked the best ever in my whole life, after always being 65kg & chubby as. Maintained this for a couple of years but only by calorie counting - as soon as I stopped I'd pack it on quick (too easy to under estimate those calories & forget you had a few extra handfuls of yummies)...
Even a little exercise goes a long way (Something is better than nothing).

Discovered I have many severe food allergies since then. So stopped the calorie counting & constantly have that "desperate to eat whatever I can" feeling, because I just cannot eat what I want anymore. Now I am back to 63kg, doh! But now I have adjusted to the anxiety of limited food choices & ready for the challenge again!

Started 2 days ago at 65kg! Already lost 2kgs in 2 days!!! Excellent!!!


  • TheArtist070
    TheArtist070 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on giving it another go! I also started coming back here a few days ago myself. I lost quite a bit of weight a year or so ago but got slowed down by some health problems that made it difficult for me to keep up with my health regime. Things didn't get too far out of control, but maintaining a weight that is almost 20 pounds heavier than I should be is just not good. I don't want to be extreme, like everything has to be exactly just so, but I just don't feel comfortable letting things slide because little by little they slide too far in the wrong direction.
  • rosieposiesrl
    rosieposiesrl Posts: 27 Member
    Too true! But on the bright side, health issues point you in the right direction, though I'd love to not have mine but greatful for the shift in focus. I'm totally dedicated & it's going to work, just like it did a few years ago. Totally worth it hey! :)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    edited August 2016
    I know food allergies/intolerance's are a real pain to live with. I'm starting to get on top of mine. Its been a real help for me to know what to avoid having made use of private testing. I was also tested for inflammation, I had very high levels, put down to yeast overgrowth. Antibiotic use lets the least helpful yeasts over grow. Embarking on a yeast elimination regime could be a great help to you, cf and hashi (me), have much in common like all the other autoimmune problems. Inflammation is often a large part of it all for females in-particular. Yeast overgrowth can drive the "appetite". Please look into this, it can be tough removing all sugar for two or was it three weeks, even that in fruit then for a protracted period not having foods with any added sugar in them can be difficult, For me it really helped, I lost much of the bloated look I had but I am still heavier than you. Please read up on this for yourself.

    I was tested in our health system for thyroid related issues and was constantly told I had none, but I had many many symptoms which were disregarded. I made use of Stop the thyroid Madness website, which drives a coach and horses through the numbers argument adhered to by the medical profession. The subjects tested for this work, their own and family thyroid status was not taken, so the work is substantially floored. Endocrine problems make the body run cold which encourages yeasts to overgrow. Low temperature is one of the most commonly disregarded symptoms there is for people like us. There are so many points at which one can have difficulties, there are something like 300 symptoms and we each have our specific disorientating few which do not fit their proforma of expectations.

    I was fortunate to have a very interesting conversation with a professor of immunology at our local teaching hospital. He told me that thyroid problems are usually at the bottom of acquired allergies and intolerance's and when my thyroid was "properly" treated all would be well, to go back if they were not. Regrettably our system would not permit me to do that so I had to find my own way like so many many women who have increasing adverse food reactions.

    All the very best wishes as you strive towards your special day. I hope you are well on your way to addressing all your other health issues before you embark on your lives together.
  • rosieposiesrl
    rosieposiesrl Posts: 27 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks for your reply, greatly appreciated :)
    I will definitely look into that website. I found all doctors to be absolutely useless & one admitted his hands were tied & "not allowed to test for many allergies Anymore, only 5", another outright refused - very sus to me. The doctor did test for wheat however but the test came up clear, yet my face blew up like a balloon after eating wheat - eyes swelled shut!
    So, I also went to a private allergy clinic & an absolute life saver that was - no more collapsing, choking, pain, ballooning face, or that awful 'hit by a bus feeling' & yes it did say wheat allergy plus many others... Doctors only tried to discredit the allergy clinic - why? I am living proof!

    Yes, fingers have been freezing cold to touch since CFS; since discovering the allergies I'm about half as cold. If you've pointed me to a life change clue, I'll be singing your praises everywhere I go, haha! :) I have had CFS 8 Years now...
    But I know something else is still very wrong with my body, that's either behind the CFS or making it worse. So absolutely any hints to investigate are very very welcome, thank you!
    I have done the anti-candida diet for 8 months, a few years ago. Felt an improvement but no cure, but I also was unaware of allergies then... That reminds me! Can't believe I forgot that I have done a similar low GI diet for a few months, years ago, & it fixed my severe adult acne, but acne back as soon as I reverted to normal diet, that in itself might be a decent clue. Don't get me wrong, I never ate chocolate/lollies/cakes/sugar - was & am very health concious with my diet - now more than ever! Only Organic Whole Foods & semi vegan (not 100% vegan but does make a difference).

    Anyways, its all big detective work trying to heal yourself & ultimately each step makes us that little bit healthier. But so frustrating & lonely.

    Oh Add me! Add me! haha
  • klbrowser
    klbrowser Posts: 61 Member
    I've had autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia for nearly 20 years. Anti-yeast diet did nothing for me. Am hypothyroid and am on medication but am having trouble convincing local doctors that my TSH is still too high for me. The acceptable lab range is .5 to 3.75 and I am at 2.75 and very symptomatic. Have celiac disease and some other food sensitivities but manage them well. Lost 55 pounds and have been at maintenance since April. Cannot exercise much but do the best I can. Overall, I'm about as healthy as one can expect. Hang in there.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    kl - I wonder if your issues come from something other than simply your tsh. There is so very much which goes on in our endocrine systems which simply going by one's tsh numbers, like many medics do, give no indication. My thought is your symptoms might not be caused by your tsh being pushed but some issue with t3. Most doctors take it for granted that what ever we eat we will automatically have the required minerals to facilitate the conversion of t4 to the active t3. Unfortunately in people who's digestive tract or liver function is not up to the mark or have a genetic predisposition not to convert conversion can be an issue, sometimes causing reverse or blind t3. As if that were not enough some of us, our bodies are less able to take the available t3 into our systems. the receptors can be blocked. This possibly reads as something simple to resolve but it is not. There is plenty of information on the STTM website Thyroid UK has loads too. Its read and read as far as I am concerned.
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