pain in ribs

I workout regularly and do cardio. I am trying to lose weight, but all of a sudden I am getting this pain that is under my ribs on the left side. It is worse when I breath out (and seems worse at night), It moves too and I have felt the pain radiate into my shoulder and neck on that side. It almost feels like there is something in there sharp that is not supposed to be there.
Anyone else have this?


  • twobitford
    I workout regularly and do cardio. I am trying to lose weight, but all of a sudden I am getting this pain that is under my ribs on the left side. It is worse when I breath out (and seems worse at night), It moves too and I have felt the pain radiate into my shoulder and neck on that side. It almost feels like there is something in there sharp that is not supposed to be there.
    Anyone else have this?
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Maybe you should have it looked at by a doctor. Does the pain radiate down your arm? Did it just start or has it been there and getting worse? I'd hesitate to say what it might be, so a doc is your best bet. Good luck, wish I could have helped more.
  • kris23
    kris23 Posts: 44
    Your trapidizoidial (sorry no idea how to spell it). runs from your shoulder across your neck and down your back. You may have pulled it or compressed a disc a bit during some exercises, so something could be squishing a nerve (could be as simple as you bent over wrong). Go see a massage therapist, if that doesn't work see the doctor. That would be my suggestion. Sounds similar to a previous injury that I had.
  • EFS1
    EFS1 Posts: 12
    Slow your run or what ever cardio you are doing and raise your arms above your head, take a few deep breathes. I am not that coordinated, so I usually slow to a walk or step off to do this. HOWEVER, like everyone else said - if it continues - go see a Doc. The "no pain - no gain" motto is not really correct, exercise should never hurt. A good workout should be strenuous and invigorate you, but never should it be painful. Good Luck! E
  • AtlantaSara
    I would see a doctor first - before going to a massage therapist --
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Go see your doctor. Unless you can recall pulling a muscle you may have health issues to attend to.

    I pulled my left pectoral muscle at the gym and the pain went from just under the breast up my arm to my bicep and I left the gym and rested and the pain went away but it has not come back. Pain on the left side can indicate heart issues, if it were me I would go to the doctor just to be safe..

    better safe than sorry!
  • twobitford
    Thanks everybody,
    It ended up that I torn a ligament in my sternum doing cable crunches. It is healing and I cannot lift weights, I had to take off exercising for a week . I have started back with cardio today (finally) and I feel quite sluggish.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    I had something similar over the summer- NO idea how I did it ( I know it was something at the gym though) Be very careful to let it heal COMPLETELY before doing anything at all, its pretty easy to-re-injure ( or at least it was for me)
    I went to the doctor after it started and he told me the pain in the ribs was beuase I was old and fat. Seriously.
    uh, yeah, well, lets see- dumba$$, I didnt have this pain 40 lbs ago, and lets see, since when is 33 old?
    Please. Eventually the pain went away and hasnt hurt since.
    Hope its feeling better very soon!