Hi how are things

Hi I am a 53 year old man that is sick and tired of being overweight. I am presently 262lbs and 5 foot 9. I have been on and off this site for a while and every time I quit. This time I want to get to my goal weight of 190. I power lift and used to be a runner but for this last year I am eating my frustrations and boredom. So it's time to quit the wining and start a new. How have people reached their goals


  • raizelchaya
    raizelchaya Posts: 54 Member
    edited August 2016
    I began 2 months ago and lost 10 pounds so far. I have 30 more to go. What is important? Staying busy! Some form of Exercise! Charting everything you eat! Realistic Goals! You will see that you don't want to waste your calories on junk food because you will use up your calorie intake too fast. Also if you mess up one day, just start again. Don't stay frustrated - see the big picture!
  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    Set a realistic goal. Aim to get down to 255 by the end of the month. Just do that. Set a new goal next week. You will achieve it if you set the right goal and make a plan.