Fruit Sugars?

quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I just added sugar to my food diary and I've noticed that I'm a bit over.. Are fruit sugars bad? I realize my coffee and nutrition bar probably aren't the best but how does fruit play in?


  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I have wondered this before too. Someone answer this!! We need to know! :D
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    i'm having the same problem! i've been tracking my sugars for a while and i've almost always gone over, but usually, it's because of my fruit intake, as opposed to other sweets (most of the time).

    there are a lot of 'diets' that suggest to stay away from fruit because of their high sugar content. i'm not sure how i feel about that, as fruit has a lot of vitamins and it is a great substitute for desserts. i mean, i'd rather eat a whole cup of watermelon, which is much more filling than a measly piece of chocolate.

    my solution? i've stopped tracking my sugars. it's a source of anxiety that i'm not willing to take on because i want to ensure that i'm getting all the vitamins that i need in order to build up a healthy body. i am, however, trying to stay away from simple carbs at night. i've read that it's best to get in carbs and sugars in the mornings, and focus on protein and healthy fats later in the day. check out this other blog that sums it up much better than i could:
  • kozlinski40
    kozlinski40 Posts: 16 Member
    it depends on the fruits. some are good and some are bad. But you should consume 5 servings of fruits daily. This will give you a well balance diet. apples,blueberries,raspberry,strawberries,blackberries and cantaloupe are excellent choices.
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