100 lbs down 60% to goal!!!

I was asked to share my success story. I am not even to my weight loss goal. But i have learned a few things along the way. 1- Find the lifestyle change (diet) that works for you. No way was i getting rid of carbs and losing weight. What worked for me was eating whatever i wanted but exercising to make up for it. 2- Smaller portions of things you love. And if you have to avoid the too tempting things. 3- Some people can be really pushy about you eating food or snacks they might have around. Its ok to say no. And if they cant respect that they are the *kitten*! 4- Be honest about everything and how much you eat. The scale never lies and you shouldn't either. 5- The gulit of overeating is much worst than the tasty food you're about to eat. And if you just wait the feeling of accomplishment is the best reward. 6- Celebrate the small victories. But dont let it be with food!!! 7- Get a good and honest support team. I have my husband and friends at work to help me out. Also facebook is great boost if you are feeling down. 8-Have a goal other than weight loss. Mine was running a half marathon. I had to go to the gym in order to be prepared. Also had to eat smarter to be fueled for it. Both helped with weight loss. 9-You dont have to finish all the food on your plate. Eat what your allowed and walk away. If you have to throw it away if it too tempting. First try to make sure your portions are correct. 10- Its more mind than anything!!! To this day i have arguements in my head. Telling myself i dont need it! You're not even hungry!!! This is the most difficult part for me. I try distracting myself as much as possible. 11-It will be hard to see the difference at first but its there. 12- Its still weird getting complements on my weight loss. I dont know how to answer but i still say thank you. 13- Plateuing is a real and difficult thing. It may last a while but stay strong. 14-The extra skin from weight loss makes you feel ugly but you still look great in clothes!!! It will be removed in its own time. 15- This was for me no one else. And thats my story. I will update you in and 60 lbs.


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I think we need a photo or two. Great job by the way!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Good for you, but a few paragraphs would make reading it a lot easier :'( -
  • Lucy1752
    Lucy1752 Posts: 499 Member
    Love your hair!! Congrats on the weight loss! ;)
  • kbred0323
    kbred0323 Posts: 3 Member
    I found this very helpful! Thank you for sharing and congrats!!!
  • smkondy
    smkondy Posts: 583 Member
    That's awesome!! Bravo to your success!! :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    What a helpful list of tips! Thanks..and congrats on finding your path that is obviously working for you. :)
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