Hi everbody!

Hello. New to this website, just trying to get some support. I live with a bunch of skinny people, and though they love me, they're not much help in this field. I lost about a hundred pounds on Atkins a few years back, fell off Atkins, and gained them back. Now I want to lose them again in a safer and more healthy way. Any feedback and support is wonderful. Thanks!


  • RockinHorseRanch
    Welcome! You're going to love this site!
  • LizaMena
    LizaMena Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome. You have made the right choice. MFP is AWESOME! feel free to add me =)
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    welcome. My husband also lost about 35 or 40 pounds on atkins, but gained it back, Its not realistic to eat the way he ate long term. this is a much better way to do it! Good luck!
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Ziggy.
    This site is the best tool I have ever used. It is like all others, though in you get from it what you put in to it.
    The main element is community, however, that makes it better.
    Also notice when you get your feel for the tools that there are built in calculators that can help you monitor nutrition and exercise as well as progress.
    Jump in with both feet.
    You won't be disappointed.
  • voodooziggy
    voodooziggy Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you guys. The positive feedback is fantastic!
  • arkabama
    arkabama Posts: 5
    Welcome, you will love MFP lots of support and great advice . You are welcome to add me as a friend :D
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Welcome! I came on about a month ago and now wouldnt know what to do without MFP.. It is a great motivator. I also live in a house of skinny people. They love me the way I am, which is great because I am doing this for me.

    Add me for some extra support if you want