Do you work out every day?

Or do you take a day or two off? I've worked out for the last five days straight--yesterday for an hour--and I'm pretty tired and don't feel like working out. But I could use the exercise calories . . . How many days do you work out? Do you take days off even if it means you don't get those extra exercise calories?


  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I usually workout 5 days a week. Most of my working out is done at the gym & it's closed Weds & Sunday. Sometimes I go for walks or hikes or something on my off days but they aren't hard core workout days.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I take 1-2 days off a week. Especially if my body doesn't feel it. If I feel good and I have not problem with the workout I will do 6 days but if I start to workout and my body "feels" tired I will stop.

    Its important to listen to your body!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    5 days. I don't like feeling obliged to work out. I like active rest days.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    i go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week. Sunday is always my day off (the gym daycare is closed) and sometimes if we have plans I skip saturday to.
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    I work out every weekday morning -- the Y is a stop on my way to the job. I also work out on weekdays even if I'm taking a vacation day. It's partly a social thing; many of the the early-morning regulars have become at least casual friends, and I miss them if I don't see them in the morning.

    Saturdays are on a case-by-case basis. My default for Saturday is a morning workout. But during deer season, for example, I'm in the field long before sunrise and get no Saturday workout. Right now, during golf season, it's often the same story. I'd guess, averaged over a year, I work out about half my Saturdays.

    Sundays: never. I'm at church in the morning, and usually napping in the afternoon.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    I do "something" every day, but not particularly a "workout". And, it varies week to week. Some weeks I do a 5 day split (workout 3 rest 1 workout 2 rest 1) but I still try to include some kind of activity on the off days (yoga, walking, whatever). The other weeks I workout 6 rest 1, just depends on how I feel. Let your body guide you, it won't lie.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I am basically a walker (of varying types: walking outside, treadmill and walking dvd's). My first year I walked most weeks, 7 days a week. I felt good walking and not so good when I missed a day. I lost weight consistantly and cannot remember having hit any plataues (sp?). For the past two years I walk regularly 5-6 days a week. From all I've heard and read, you need a day off in between to let your muscles heal. I don't do much strength training, so for me I didn't feel the need to take a day off. Cardiovascular works great for me. As I said, tho, I feel the best when I walk everyday. Vary short and long workouts. If you're really tired and not just not feeling like doing your exercise, do 15-30 minutes that day. Everyone is different and your body may respond differently to something that works well for someone else. Try to get alot of variation in your workouts. Best wishes for much success!
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I do Tae Bo and yoga five days a week, and on Fridays and Saturdays I take a break from the cardio and just do Yoga. Itry not to go any days without doing something.
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    I workout 6 days a week, Monday is my rest day. If your body is tired and telling you not to workout, you should take a day off to recuperate. Then you will be refreshed and ready to go the next day.