Middle of the night binge eating.

Does anyone struggle with binge eating in the middle of the night? Its been getting real bad for me. Sometimes I don't even remember getting up out of bed. How do I stop if I am not aware of what I am doing???


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Some people can manage by keeping food put away.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Taking a medication?
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    In addition to the above, are you possibly restricting too much during the day?
  • maddieconnor
    maddieconnor Posts: 2 Member
    I think its a combo of sleep aids, food restriction, and habit. Just not sure how to break this?
  • RebeccaNaegle
    RebeccaNaegle Posts: 236 Member
    Could you try a lock on the fridge? or are you eating pantry food? it would suck to do this! Youre not even getting to enjoy your cheats! Hope you can figure out how to fix it!
  • Cintirich
    Cintirich Posts: 22 Member
    I used to have what was roughly a 4th meal every night between 12-1am. For me, I really have been working hard to watch my calories and if there's not enough for a snack, I try to refrain. If there is, instead of whipping up a quesadilla, or something terrible for me, I'll try to go for something healthier. I try to keep low-cal options like fruit and nonfat greek yogurt around for cravings, or sometimes a handful (only a handful) of pretzels, if I'm craving carbs.

    I have found that the better I eat during the day (not more, but better, i.e. home cooked foods, salads, etc.) the less cravings I have at night.

    As the poster above suggested, if you are really not remembering getting up to snack, you may want to see a doctor about that. If it's not medical though, just focus on building healthy habits. It looks like you're new, so give it some time. Good luck!
  • Liz6843
    Liz6843 Posts: 29 Member
    Also, are you taking Ambien? If so, that's why you're not remembering eating in the middle of the night and no amount of exercise or calories during the day will help - it's a side effect of Ambien. If you aren't, then yeah, you may want to talk to a doctor because waking up to eat in the middle of the night probably has to do with restriction and is pretty normal, but not remembering it (unless you're taking a sleep aid) isn't really normal and might be a symptom of something else that your doctor can help you with.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I've heard sleep aids can have effects like that (sleep-walking and doing things while not really awake). I don't know how severe your sleep issues are but if you haven't already, I highly recommend trying melatonin. 10mg of that will knock me out...I actually want to start trying 5mg. It's OTC and basically just supplements the melatonin your body naturally creates. You might want to talk to your doctor about it though. It's safe on its own but I'm sure there are probably medications it shouldn't be combined with, especially sleep aids.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    Don't keep any trigger foods in your home. That way you will have nothing to get up to eat and go back to sleep. This is what I do.
  • meikie111
    meikie111 Posts: 1 Member
    I always found I done the same when something was worrying or upsetting me. I would find wrappers by my bed and feel shamed the next day at not remembering. I put sparkling water by my bed and ended up reaching for it at night when I realised I was getting up and slowly but surely the habit was kicked I still keep the water by my bed incase it happens again. I think the gases in the water filled me up and helped. Worth at shot
  • MilesAddie
    MilesAddie Posts: 166 Member
    I do this almost every night as well and it is extremely frustrating - especially when you have done amazing at sticking to your cals/macros all day only to sabotage it by binging while half asleep.

    One thing that I have had a little success with: I divide my main evening meal between two sittings. Usually about 1/3 at 'dinnertime' and the rest about 60-90 minutes before bed. This also help me practice a bit of mindfulness because if I do get hungry, I know its the result of wanting to self-soothe, not because I am actually hungry.

    I'm sure there are a ton of differing opinions on here about eating late etc., but since I lift almost everyday, I'm not worried about the late calories because my body is repairing throughout the night.

    Hope that trick works for you.

  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Put loud jingle bells or something on your bedroom door so it alerts you if you open it.
  • madpsycho32
    madpsycho32 Posts: 3 Member
    Another thing you can do instead of trying to break the habit instantly is set calories aside for the middle of the night for when you do wake up and that way you don't have to stop yourself but more weem yourself off from that. For you meals during the day keep them light and save most of your calories for night so that you don't have to got to bed hungry. It's a nice trick that has worked for me.
  • calith
    calith Posts: 4 Member
    I try and save 240 calories for a protein shake made with milk for right before bed time. This has been the only thing that has worked for me. Otherwise I am in the kids biscuits at 2AM.
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Happens when I'm really tired. Like my body is on autopilot to gather in energy. I eat a big dinner and drink a lot of water at night. Now I have a very small lunch sometimes and it helps.
  • twilmot352
    twilmot352 Posts: 2 Member
    I struggle with the same problem!!!!! I also have problems sleeping and have not found a successful sleep aid so I don't take one anymore, but I still binge eat. I will go to bed and wake up to pee and Make a detour to the kitchen, a lot of times is peanut butter......like not just a spoonful .....spoooonfullllssssss!!! Ugh it's awful because during the day I eat so well. Help
  • jennyc777
    jennyc777 Posts: 10 Member
    This is what is working for me. I struggle with binge eating. I have tried all the diets out there. I just happened to stumble upon people following the LCHF diet and it is working for me. Please google this way of eating. There are many groups on Facebook with lots of information. I have lost 10 pounds in a week effortlessly. ( I just started a couple of weeks ago.) I am still learning all the ins and outs but about binge eating (I haven't woke up in about a couple of weeks now to binge eat) because I believe the secret is eating something of high fat to shut this hunger off. ( avacado, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a piece of cheese) you will have to research this but it works for me and I love it. I woke up about a month ago in the middle of the night to eat and I went over to the coconut oil jar and ate a tablespoon of coconut oil. Sounds gross but it was ok and more importantly it shut my hunger off within 60 seconds. I went back to bed. Good luck!
  • wookiepants
    wookiepants Posts: 40 Member
    There is a way to rig up an airhorn to the places you store your food that will sure wake you up or startle you anyway.