New start!

I'm not sure how to start but here it goes this time last year I used this app I lost over 4 stone and my life was brilliant, March of this year I came off the app I went on holiday to Disneyland with my family ever since Then, I really struggle to stay back on track as a result I've now put on almost 2 stone. I started to feel uncomfortable in my body again and eating absolutely everything. I am absolutely terrified I'm going to turn out like my family being 30 stone people I am desperate to do something about it I know it is all on me and I know I can do it but if any kindhearted people would like to add me as a friend and help me through this difficult time I'd really appreciate it I know that the work is all in me and all on me. But the help of this Community makes me stronger.


  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Hi lisa_roberts, I know how you feel. Previously used the app in association with other exercise apps, had some great success...... went through some stuff. back to square one.

    Feel free to add me, msg me and hopefully we can support each other. I know how to do this, but unsure how I am going to do this, if that makes sense.
  • TarikOktay
    TarikOktay Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Lisa, also feel free to add me and contact me if you need some support or info. Also for you Dizzzlel. Im using this app daily and it helps me allot with achieving my goals!
  • lisa_roberts
    lisa_roberts Posts: 176 Member
    Hay I have message you dizzzlel and tarikOktay I have tried adding you but it won't work. Could you try adding me please. Lisa xx