
I have always been a big eater. I have this large belly now that I am really wanting to get rid of. Starting to excercise more and also using my fitness to see how much food I consume. I have always just eyeballed it and let my clothing tell me when to have a chill out day. I love sweets and carbs and I love to eat. I try to let myself eat as much as possible so I am conciously cutting back. But I feel hungry at night after dinner and I want so bad to eat. I am out of calories and all that. Just so hungry. Just complaining. A friend told me once that you can't really lose weight without actually feeling hungry. She was a health person. So, I guess I should be encouraged that I feel hungry? Maybe my body will use some of this excess belly fat.


  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    I would disagree, your body is going to feel like you are straving it and it will veggies that are low in calorie...or high protein foods so that you can hold onto that full feeling longer....
  • Millie77
    Millie77 Posts: 39
    I have the same problem. I crave constantly!! I'm always craving sweets and carbs, and am never full. Tonight is just over 24 hrs. without sweets (candy bars, ice cream, ect..) and I am really feeling it. I know that some people don't think it's an addiction, but I don't know how else to describe it. Headaches, irritable, sometimes shakiness, and just craving in general. It sucks. Hopefully within a few days my body will adjust and feel better. You're not alone, I'm in the same boat. lol
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    stick with it! you will eventually feel less hungry.....and i disagree about needing to feel hungry to lose weight. when i feel hungry, i eat. i just make smarter choices...if your eating right, it will even out.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    try drinking more water... I found that if I drank a glass of water like 10 min before my meal I am less hungry. If you are not a HUGE fan of water (like I am) crystal light or some of the other things that u put in water to make them taste better have 0 or 10ish cals... check some are higher but most are 0 to 10. Also I have found that simple snacks help at night. I work till 730p and hate eating after 7 but since I dont get out till then I find myself eating (and craving chocolate items) I have found that 100 cal pack kettle popcorn fills me up. The jello pudding snacks are like 60 cals I believe for my chocolate fix. They also have 100 cal packs of almonds with coco on them... another chocolate fixer.

    Just some suggestions... if u have any for me please send them back! Thanks!
  • lovemyhoney
    I think it is normal to feel hungry for a while after you start watching your calories. If you usually eat 4,000 calories a day, it is going to be hard to adjust to eating just 1,800. Your body will feel deprived for a bit......but I do think this hungry feeling should start easing after a few weeks when you begin adjusting to your new number of calories. I agree with eating proteins to help stay full longer, and although it isn't very appetizing, drinking lots and lots of water will help feel the void. I crave foods all the time so I know what you are talking about. It's hard and I know exactly what you are going through.....keep pushing forward!! You are off to a great start and the journey will be worth it!!
  • jluthersw
    jluthersw Posts: 31 Member
    I feel the same way!! I am hungry after dinner and that is when I go into the kitchen and rummage around. I sometimes eat a bowl of cereal (just about half of a normal bowl) and I feel more full. Something about the milk. (It might not be the best idea but it works for me.) Hope this helps!! If you find anything that works feel free to send some back!
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I have a friend on WW. She has zero point foods. One of those foods is watermelon. So she can eat as much as she wants. While I am not a WW person, it seems to really work. You might want to do an online trial of thier program. You know...maybe even go to the library and see if they a book from WW. Another option would be to go online and google zero point foods in the WW program. Those are foods they are allowed to eat and not worry about counting.
    I know people will agree and disagree on that whole zero count foods. But you really want to lose and get fit. If you are making yourself starve that puts you at a high fail rate. Not saying you will, but it will just make it more difficult.
    You also might look at what you are eating. You might find that you can swap foods for calories. Like eating more veggies during and throughout the day will help fill you up without filling you out. Also, getting fiber will fill you up major. Tonight I was hungry. I ate some greek yogurt, nuts and berries. Actually it was extremely filling. The extreme tartness of the yogurt really hit my and the berries were the sweet for sweet treats. The nuts rounded it off by making it filling. I get the plain 0% greek style oikos yogurt.
    Hope this helps you! If you want you can friend me.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch your sugar intake.
    BOTH sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite, so cutting back on them makes weight loss easier, because you are not hungry all the time.

    If I have a DIET COKE, no way I can keep at 1200 cal.
    More foods now than ever before have hidden sugars in them and are sold as "real foods"
    If I'm going to eat the sugar I want a cookie, gosh darn it!

    It's not about being perfect, it's about doing better.

    Slow and steady wins the race...
    If you completely revamp your diet, it's way easy to revert to old ways in times of stress.
    If you make a series of small changes, food still offers you some sense of comfort.
    sort of a comfort continuum, and after a while the first small changes will seem comforting in themselves.

    I've been working very hard to:
    1) not feel deprived
    2) break that food-guilt link, after all we all need to eat and
    If I'm careful about eating enough nutrient dense foods I get to enjoy some just for fun calories. (aka junk food) and you know what? I DO NOT HAVE TO FEEL GUILTY about this.
    (The hard part is telling the difference between treats you can enjoy in moderation and trigger foods that make it really hard to control yourself)

    My mission is to make food is my friend not the enemy. It is here to nourish and nurture us.
    I started by making a list of foods I like (even "bad" foods) then went back and circle all the healthiest options on the list and made them my "go to" foods. This helped make eating healthy food a pleasure not a chore. And the "bad foods" on my list are not eliminated, but are not everyday foods. They are saved for special treats.

    *as I got closer to my goal I switch my target to my lose 1/2 lb/wk to help phase myself back into eating a healthy maintain diet
  • deb1130
    deb1130 Posts: 37 Member
    I find eating enough protein really cuts down on being hungry. And, drinking lots of water! Eating high-glycemic foods makes me very hungry, so I try to avoid white foods for that reason. And, I can get plenty of carbs in veggies & lower carb grains.

    So maybe you could save some calories (say100) and if you're hungry after dinner, you can eat protein foods (like sliced turkey, lowfat cottage cheese, etc.)
  • kaycee526
    kaycee526 Posts: 56 Member
    I chew gum ALL the time, I find it gives me that sweet thing I have been crazing and takes my mind off food. I chew it before I really get hungry
  • BrandiSeester
    hi there,
    i went on vacation and have not logged onto fp since. ugg. but now I am reading the responses to my hungry question. people are so nice and supportive on this site. i especially benefitted from your specific idea. thank you for taking the time to post those. i am truly grateful and encouraged. --brandi