I need help..



  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    Hey all. Thanks for the help!! Sorry I didn't respond for so long.. I was working a lot the past week and actually forgot about this app.. But you all have helped me so much!! I'm actually down to a steady 215 pounds now from 219! Doesn't seem like much but it's getting closer I guess haha.
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    Can you do swimming? I get knee pain and when it's bad, I can't run. But swimming is gentle on the joints. There's also rebounders [mini trampolines], which are supposed to be low impact.

    Yes! I actually do a lot of swimming and I also ride bike as much as I can.. I'm not sure if that is equilevant to running or not.
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    ole496 wrote: »
    You and I are almost exactly the same size. Your weight is closer to ideal especially if your photo is actually of you and you look to be in pretty good shape already. The lunch part is easy, I pack a lunch everyday. Eventually you will learn to read labels and eat the serving size listed on the packages. Log all your food including your condiments into the MFP App to track your calories. Don't cheat yourself and it's really quick and easy after about a week of logging using the app. You need to be very consistent in what you log. Buy a digital food scale and some measuring cups/spoons. After awhile, you'll learn what a proper portion size looks like. Here's a decent lunch. Make a sandwich on wheat bread. Use ham, turkey or both...or peanut butter (good protein source) and natural jam/jelly. Measure your portions. Toss in an apple, orange or banana. Add one cup/container of Chobani Yogurt. Add some carrots or celery. A 3oz serving of baby carrots is 35 calories approximately and it's very filling. Bring some protein powder in a small shaker cup and add some water for a mid-day snack. Every few days I sub in some cottage cheese in a small container (1/2 cup serving size), maybe grapes or celery with peanut butter. You'll take in roughly 450-600 calories for this meal. I like the eggs for breakfast, keep up with that. That is a great source of protein for a weight lifter but ditch the sandwich part. Pick up some chicken sausage links to help reduce fat and heat those up in the microwave. Sub in hot oatmeal, peanut butter toast, fresh fruit, (small 4 oz cup of juice once a week), protein shakes, smoothies, healthy cereal with almond milk, whatever else that is a healthier option for breakfast. Once in awhile you can bring along pre-made soup in a cup and just add hot water. You can microwave water and put it into a small thermos, it will actually stay hot until lunch. Then mix it together at lunch time. Just watch the sodium level on that type of stuff so spread those out a week. For Dinner I look at whatever calories I have left and sift thru the fridge until I find some combination that both sounds good and fits into my allotted calories for the day. If you have a bum leg, weightlifting is a great alternative to cardio for weightloss. Your body will continue to slowly burn off the calories as it recovers from lifting. If you can't do much cardio at all then you can circuit lift, meaning moving from machine to machine quickly with few breaks. Use lighter weights and higher reps. After 10 mins your heart should be pumping and you can work thru all muscle groups without doing much damage. You'll be surprised at how strong and fit you can be using that method. If you manage your calories carefully at a slight deficit and you feed your body back some or most of the calories you burn off you will lose weight. Calories in/Calories Out. The last 15-20 pounds is very, very difficult to lose and will take some time. If you can lose 1 pound a week at the very end consider yourself lucky. Lifting weights will help transform what you see in the mirror as well so you may not notice that leftover fat.

    There is another possibility in that what you think is fat might be skin or it can also be a type of fat that the body cannot process and burn off. There is a name for it but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head. A friend of mine had that problem and had to have some liposuction to get rid of it.

    Dude.. You are awesome!! I'm going to try this! Yes, that picture is of me. I have very broad shoulders and I have been told it will be hard to me to get below 200 pounds just because of my build. But again, I'm not worried about my physical weight.. I just want abs. How do I find out if it's fat that my body can't burn?
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    SteadyHaze wrote: »
    ole496 wrote: »
    You and I are almost exactly the same size. Your weight is closer to ideal especially if your photo is actually of you and you look to be in pretty good shape already. The lunch part is easy, I pack a lunch everyday. Eventually you will learn to read labels and eat the serving size listed on the packages. Log all your food including your condiments into the MFP App to track your calories. Don't cheat yourself and it's really quick and easy after about a week of logging using the app. You need to be very consistent in what you log. Buy a digital food scale and some measuring cups/spoons. After awhile, you'll learn what a proper portion size looks like. Here's a decent lunch. Make a sandwich on wheat bread. Use ham, turkey or both...or peanut butter (good protein source) and natural jam/jelly. Measure your portions. Toss in an apple, orange or banana. Add one cup/container of Chobani Yogurt. Add some carrots or celery. A 3oz serving of baby carrots is 35 calories approximately and it's very filling. Bring some protein powder in a small shaker cup and add some water for a mid-day snack. Every few days I sub in some cottage cheese in a small container (1/2 cup serving size), maybe grapes or celery with peanut butter. You'll take in roughly 450-600 calories for this meal. I like the eggs for breakfast, keep up with that. That is a great source of protein for a weight lifter but ditch the sandwich part. Pick up some chicken sausage links to help reduce fat and heat those up in the microwave. Sub in hot oatmeal, peanut butter toast, fresh fruit, (small 4 oz cup of juice once a week), protein shakes, smoothies, healthy cereal with almond milk, whatever else that is a healthier option for breakfast. Once in awhile you can bring along pre-made soup in a cup and just add hot water. You can microwave water and put it into a small thermos, it will actually stay hot until lunch. Then mix it together at lunch time. Just watch the sodium level on that type of stuff so spread those out a week. For Dinner I look at whatever calories I have left and sift thru the fridge until I find some combination that both sounds good and fits into my allotted calories for the day. If you have a bum leg, weightlifting is a great alternative to cardio for weightloss. Your body will continue to slowly burn off the calories as it recovers from lifting. If you can't do much cardio at all then you can circuit lift, meaning moving from machine to machine quickly with few breaks. Use lighter weights and higher reps. After 10 mins your heart should be pumping and you can work thru all muscle groups without doing much damage. You'll be surprised at how strong and fit you can be using that method. If you manage your calories carefully at a slight deficit and you feed your body back some or most of the calories you burn off you will lose weight. Calories in/Calories Out. The last 15-20 pounds is very, very difficult to lose and will take some time. If you can lose 1 pound a week at the very end consider yourself lucky. Lifting weights will help transform what you see in the mirror as well so you may not notice that leftover fat.

    There is another possibility in that what you think is fat might be skin or it can also be a type of fat that the body cannot process and burn off. There is a name for it but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head. A friend of mine had that problem and had to have some liposuction to get rid of it.

    Dude.. You are awesome!! I'm going to try this! Yes, that picture is of me. I have very broad shoulders and I have been told it will be hard to me to get below 200 pounds just because of my build. But again, I'm not worried about my physical weight.. I just want abs. How do I find out if it's fat that my body can't burn?

    Edit: I also ride bike and swim a lot. My leg problem is mostly my knee. I have a hard time running because of knee pain but I can swim and ride bike which I do as much as I can. I do lift weights 3 times a week!
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    SteadyHaze wrote: »
    I am a male. Soda is a zero! I drink a 2 gallon water cooler of water every day at minimum and lunch and supper I drink lemon lime water.

    That's a lot of water to drink daily [that's 4 times the amount of water recommended in the 8x8 water plan (8 8oz glasses of water) ]. Something tells me that some of that bloating and weight might not be fat, but excess water. 2 gallons of water weighs around 16 pounds.
    cebreisch wrote: »
    Last - make sure you hit your water intake. That'll really help a lot.

    It will be hard for me to cut the water because I'm a welder and I'm always in direct sunlight. So since its been 100 degrees outside and humid and I work with fire, I'm constantly drinking water..
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    edited August 2016
    SteadyHaze wrote: »

    I am a male. Soda is a zero! I drink a 2 gallon water cooler of water every day at minimum and lunch and supper I drink lemon lime water.
    However, how big of a deal is it to drink beer? Does that make a huge difference? I don't Want to make myself sound like an alcoholic, but after working all week I tend to switch to beer..
    I just completed my diary of food for today and it said I was like 1,800 Calories under today. Is that good or bad to be under?
    I do not like tuna or any fish at all. I love eggs and meat tho. I will try hard boil eggs for snack! Thank you guys so much for the help!
    I do take a lunchbox to work with an Icepack. The problem I have is I work 10 hour days 5-6 days a week and I BARELY can handle making a sandwich every night. But if I could find detailed recipes (because I'm horrible at shopping) for something I could make a lot of at once and package it for the week that doesn't require a microwave or anything that'd be perfect.
    The other thing is I always feel like I'm starving by the time I get home from work, does that mean I should eat a bigger lunch?

    A pint of beer (depending on type/ brand) can pack a lot of calories.Which is why I don't drink much of it now. A typical pint of beer will be 250 calories + so after 4 you've had 1000 calories just in beer that day! I used to have 4 or 5 at the pub with my friends, no wonder I gained so much weight.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    i just want to mention this because i didn't see it anywhere else yet... but...

    If you injured your knee and hip, perform strength training, AND work a physically demanding job, you have GOT to get some physical therapy and give yourself adequate rest. Continue on the path you're on and the likelihood of re-injury, pain, and even bigger problems are in your future.

    Did you know that when you injure yourself your body starts making altered movement patterns to compensate for the injury? With altered movement patterns comes muscular imbalances. Which causes altered force-couple relationships. Which causes neuromuscular inefficiency. Which means that your entire kinetic chain is moving in an altered manner and placing stress on improper areas.

    Any injury you have from top to bottom on each body part causes a kink in the chain.

    So, if you've injured your hip your likelihood of hurting your entire low body increases. Injure your knee and you could re-injure it as well as anything below the knee (ankle, foot, etc.)

    Losing weight is great and will likely help with the stress being placed on your low body. But taking the time to rest, recuperate, and working with a physical therapist who can fix your issue is the best chance of maintaining a healthy fit and active lifestyle long-term.
  • cakestacked
    cakestacked Posts: 10 Member
    SteadyHaze wrote: »
    I just completed my diary of food for today and it said I was like 1,800 Calories under today. Is that good or bad to be under?

    I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure being 1800 calories under your goal for the day is not a good thing.
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    i just want to mention this because i didn't see it anywhere else yet... but...

    If you injured your knee and hip, perform strength training, AND work a physically demanding job, you have GOT to get some physical therapy and give yourself adequate rest. Continue on the path you're on and the likelihood of re-injury, pain, and even bigger problems are in your future.

    Did you know that when you injure yourself your body starts making altered movement patterns to compensate for the injury? With altered movement patterns comes muscular imbalances. Which causes altered force-couple relationships. Which causes neuromuscular inefficiency. Which means that your entire kinetic chain is moving in an altered manner and placing stress on improper areas.

    Any injury you have from top to bottom on each body part causes a kink in the chain.

    So, if you've injured your hip your likelihood of hurting your entire low body increases. Injure your knee and you could re-injure it as well as anything below the knee (ankle, foot, etc.)

    Losing weight is great and will likely help with the stress being placed on your low body. But taking the time to rest, recuperate, and working with a physical therapist who can fix your issue is the best chance of maintaining a healthy fit and active lifestyle long-term.

    Yeah I broke my femur and broke my hip socket into 3 pieces. I actually have pins and plates and screws all over now but I was bed ridden for 3 months and went through 3 months of therapy. They said it would take over a year to rebuild the muscle completely. My biggest problem is my knee. I get shooting pains in my knee. But long story short, I broke my knee cap and tore my meniscus again which I already had fixed 3 times. I'm basically not willing to change careers unless I make more money doing it and enjoy it.. Unfortunately I don't think that's possible haha.
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    SteadyHaze wrote: »

    I am a male. Soda is a zero! I drink a 2 gallon water cooler of water every day at minimum and lunch and supper I drink lemon lime water.
    However, how big of a deal is it to drink beer? Does that make a huge difference? I don't Want to make myself sound like an alcoholic, but after working all week I tend to switch to beer..
    I just completed my diary of food for today and it said I was like 1,800 Calories under today. Is that good or bad to be under?
    I do not like tuna or any fish at all. I love eggs and meat tho. I will try hard boil eggs for snack! Thank you guys so much for the help!
    I do take a lunchbox to work with an Icepack. The problem I have is I work 10 hour days 5-6 days a week and I BARELY can handle making a sandwich every night. But if I could find detailed recipes (because I'm horrible at shopping) for something I could make a lot of at once and package it for the week that doesn't require a microwave or anything that'd be perfect.
    The other thing is I always feel like I'm starving by the time I get home from work, does that mean I should eat a bigger lunch?

    A pint of beer (depending on type/ brand) can pack a lot of calories.Which is why I don't drink much of it now. A typical pint of beer will be 250 calories + so after 4 you've had 1000 calories just in beer that day! I used to have 4 or 5 at the pub with my friends, no wonder I gained so much weight.

    Yeah I'm thinking about not drinking for awhile.. Haha
  • ole496
    ole496 Posts: 32 Member
    Good work on the recent weightloss. Use the app, input your weight periodically and the app will track you. You can check the app for your progress and you can see a graph that shows your trend. As long as you trend down over a period of time that is what you want. There will always be ups and downs but you want to trend downward over a period of a few months. By the end of the year you'll be in great shape! You look to be put together already and you may be right, getting below 200 is going to be tough. I bet you could make 190 but you're going to lose some of that beef to get there. Losing your last 15-20 pounds is always the hardest and takes the most work. Most bodies, especially the ones that are used to carrying extra pounds throughout life almost revolt against you and the body does what it can to hold onto that weight. I think it's some kind of instinctive survival thing. You may have to buy the full app and go all out with your macro levels and get really stingy about everything you eat and watch the calories. The fat I couldn't remember was called Visceral Fat, it's the deep fat that's really hard to get rid of. Bodybuilders diligently track stuff to "cut" for their bodybuilding shows. I have a friend who is a champion bodybuilder and he's a flat out monster of a guy but he's also only 5'4". He pretty much lives on chicken and supplements for months leading up to a show. It can't be healthy but that is the only way he can get his abs to pop. If you aren't naturally a bean pole and under the age of 18 it probably isn't going to happen anyways, we just have to be reasonable with our situation.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    A physical therapist can help you with working muscles related to the knee.
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    ole496 wrote: »
    Good work on the recent weightloss. Use the app, input your weight periodically and the app will track you. You can check the app for your progress and you can see a graph that shows your trend. As long as you trend down over a period of time that is what you want. There will always be ups and downs but you want to trend downward over a period of a few months. By the end of the year you'll be in great shape! You look to be put together already and you may be right, getting below 200 is going to be tough. I bet you could make 190 but you're going to lose some of that beef to get there. Losing your last 15-20 pounds is always the hardest and takes the most work. Most bodies, especially the ones that are used to carrying extra pounds throughout life almost revolt against you and the body does what it can to hold onto that weight. I think it's some kind of instinctive survival thing. You may have to buy the full app and go all out with your macro levels and get really stingy about everything you eat and watch the calories. The fat I couldn't remember was called Visceral Fat, it's the deep fat that's really hard to get rid of. Bodybuilders diligently track stuff to "cut" for their bodybuilding shows. I have a friend who is a champion bodybuilder and he's a flat out monster of a guy but he's also only 5'4". He pretty much lives on chicken and supplements for months leading up to a show. It can't be healthy but that is the only way he can get his abs to pop. If you aren't naturally a bean pole and under the age of 18 it probably isn't going to happen anyways, we just have to be reasonable with our situation.

    Thanks man! You've been a huge help! Yeah I'm not looking for body builder type body. Just mainly trying to get rid of some extra chest fat mostly and a little bit of stomach fat. I need to get in a routine with using this app..
  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    If my goal on this app is 3,100 calories a day, am I supposed to consume as close to that number in one day or am I just not to exceed that amount in a day?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    SteadyHaze wrote: »
    If my goal on this app is 3,100 calories a day, am I supposed to consume as close to that number in one day or am I just not to exceed that amount in a day?

  • SteadyHaze
    SteadyHaze Posts: 17 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    SteadyHaze wrote: »
    If my goal on this app is 3,100 calories a day, am I supposed to consume as close to that number in one day or am I just not to exceed that amount in a day?


    So I'm supposed to eat as close to 3,160 calories as I can?
    I've scanned everything I eat on a day to day basis and I've been like 1500 calories low everyday? So that means I have to eat more??