Initial weight loss and gain

Hello, I have started out strong with diet and exercise and lost my first 8 pounds and while I'm continue in the path my scale shows almost 3 lb gain today. I'm so scared I'm doing something wrong. I'm counting calories and logging it, still doing my moderate exersises. Anyone with advice please help. I'm at 1200 self emposed calories and don't go over.


  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    edited August 2016
    If you're sure you're logging calories right and in a deficit (or at the least not going over maintenance) it is physically impossible for you to have gained fat. Your body needs extra energy (calories over maintenance) in order to make more fat cells. So don't worry about it.

    Fluctuations in scale weight are completely normal and are usually down to fluid retention (which is very common after exercise as the muscles hold onto water for repair), stomach and bowel contents and for women around the time of their period weight gain on the scales is very common.

    The scales told me 3 days ago I weighed 112 lbs, today it says 107. I obviously didn't lose 5 lbs in a few days, it's just not possible at my caloric intake and deficit. It was a combination of waste and water retention.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Is this just a one-day fluctuation? Or had the scale shown that number for several days?

    Your weight can fluctuate several pounds on a day-to-day basis. Yesterday my weight was up 4lbs, this morning I had a 5lb 'loss', so a net loss of 1lb. And those fluctuations can happen every single day.

    If seeing fluctuations bother you, I would recommend weighing less. If you weigh every day, you have to be okay with seeing oddly high numbers for no apparent reason.