What happened...

What happened to you if anything that brought you to the decision to start to get healthy?? Any stories that continue to keep you motivated to not give up???


  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    The mirror. A picture I saw of myself. Seeing the size of my pants when I did laundry. Not being in good shape-stamina/exercise wise. Lack of strength. High cholesterol. Realizing food had power over me. Losing pregnancy weight x3. My list could go on, but, you get the idea.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Pre diabetes and also seeing a picture of myself in a swimming suit
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    For me I was just tired of feeling blah. I wasn't fat but I was chunky and I wanted to feel better and I wanted my clothes to fit better and finally something just clicked and I started seeing it as more a lifestyle change instead of a "diet" and it totally worked for me.

    Of course the sad part of this story is that was back in 2011/2012 and I have since gained every pound plus almost 2 more back. :'(

    But I don't really see it as my motivation leaving me so much as I just feel like I got too comfortable. I stopped logging and 5 pounds turned to 10 which turned to 15...and so on...you get the picture...

    The silver lining is, I could have gained waaaay more than I really did over the course of 4 years so that is what I am trying to focus on now.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Wanting to look good in wedding pictures!
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Felt tired all the time. Wanted my energy and zest for life back and I was nearing the 50 yr young age. Afraid of the midlife weight gain everyone tells me I will go through!! Now 50 and loving life again!!
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I dealt with depression when my daughter turned 1. I always hated my weight but I got to a point of really hating myself and the way I looked. I needed major changes to happen. I saw a therapist and I started running but ate all those calories back. about 3 months ago I said I have to change my eating for life and knew I had to mean it. I logged my meals and very slowly the weight is dropping. We just had her second birthday and I am just impatient for her third when I hope I look drastically different and not cringe seeing pictures. I don't want her and her brother struggling their lives like I had.
  • caroannv
    caroannv Posts: 40 Member
    Weight sneaking on and feeling increasing terrible about it. Being the heaviest I had ever been, even though my children are now teenagers. Then moving into working in an industry that has connection to the fitness industry, and spending time visiting gyms for work. And finally, knowing that losing weight takes time and I had to start NOW (this was back in March) if I wanted to reach my goal by my 50th birthday in October.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    a bunch of nasty blood work when I was 38...I was well on my way to being either very ill if not dead by early 60s
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I couldn't tie my shoes or walk up the stairs without huffing and puffing. House cleaning made me so exhausted. walking hurt my feet. Being depressed and insecure with my own body... having to 'hide' all the time.
  • AlabamaMama224
    AlabamaMama224 Posts: 137 Member
    My feet hurt when I wake up in the morning. For being overweight/obese for most of my life I have had surprisingly few of the related illnesses/complications. And I don't want them.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    I was told I'd be dead by 50 like one of my grandmas. It still a struggle even knowing I could die if I don't do right
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    Congratulations to you all for trying to make a change to better yourself!!! And for all the progress you've made ;) I guess that when we are faced with certain situations in life that force us to make a change and try to ensure some longevity to our lives we can call that survival mode! I've been there, from the sounds of it all of us have. The temptations are always there and that is what makes living healthy the toughest, but once you get into a mind frame nothing can bring you down! As I say just stick to it and just push through it!!!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I was always slim verging on underweight (family issues- long story). When my Mum died I gave up healthy home cooking and taking a salad to work- and instead ate chocolate and frozen pizzas etc. (anything convenient) This lasted for 6 months and one day I went to work in jeans which became so uncomfortable that I had to run out and buy a skirt and some tights. Luckily it was early morning and no one noticed my change in wardrobe. I had to admit that I'd gone up a dress size. Yikes!