How many calories per day?

I'm so confused about how many calories to eat. Almost everything I find says 1200 but I've just been told not to go below my resting metabolic rate which would be about 1700 for my age.

What is everyone aiming for?


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    This amount is individual. Enter your information into MFP and eat the calories they give you there. If you have less than 30 lbs to lose, I would suggest putting your goal as lose 1lb/week or even lose .5lb/week so the deficit isn't so high.

    1200 is the minimum for most women to get their nutrition in. It may be lower if you are REALLY small or older.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    The 1200 number is the minimum number for a woman to be able to get adequate nutrition from food alone.
    Myfitnesspal will never advise a woman to consume less than 1200 calories.

    The 'resting metabolic rate', or BMR, is a cute number, absolutely immaterial for the purpose of weight loss.

    When you gave myfitnesspal your age, height, gender, and activity level, it calculated your NEAT, or Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. That number is the calories you probably use in a day of normal activity.

    When you told myfitnesspal your weight loss goal (Karnak predicts you want to lose 2 lb per week), myfitnesspal subtracted 1000 from your NEAT (according to Karnak's prediction) and presented that number to you as your daily calorie goal. IF NEAT-1000= less than 1200, myfitnesspal recommends 1200.

    For real humans, 1200 is hard. Help yourself. Change your weight loss goal to 1 lb per week or 0.5 lb per week.
    That sets your daily calorie target 500 or 750 calories higher. If you can comfortably complete your daily eating below that level, hooray.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    All I will add is that MFP is designed so that exercise is not included in your calories. Makes it easy if you want to lose weight but don't want/can't exercise.

    Add exercise to your log and MFP will add calories to your goal. So if you went for a brisk 2km walk, MFP would add a certain number of calories based on what it said you burned during that walk. You can then eat back any portion of those extra calories you decide. Most choose anywhere from 50-75% due to calculation being overstated in the database.
  • Meglcroft
    Meglcroft Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I changed a few of my goals and it just me up to 1680... I need to start eating a whole lot more!
  • Lindaash97
    Lindaash97 Posts: 7 Member
    MFP has calculated my calorie intake as only 790 and I struggle to use all my calories. I've only put my weight loss of 2lb per week. I have a stone to lose which is coming off slowly! When I try to complete my entry it says it won't produce a report as not eating enough calories but they set my calorie target not me.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Lindaash97 wrote: »
    MFP has calculated my calorie intake as only 790 and I struggle to use all my calories. I've only put my weight loss of 2lb per week. I have a stone to lose which is coming off slowly! When I try to complete my entry it says it won't produce a report as not eating enough calories but they set my calorie target not me.

    If you only have a stone to lose, your rate of loss should ONLY be .5lb/week. That is too much of a deficit for someone to get adequate nutrition in.

    I'm surprised they actually generated that, because MFP does not usually generate anything less than 1200.
  • Lindaash97
    Lindaash97 Posts: 7 Member
    I eat loads though, typical breakfast 1 weetabix with grapes, blueberries sometimes I have it with natural yogurt. Lunch I usually have 2 ryvita with cottage cheese/ ham / tomatoes and tea for example a pork chop with loads of veg ie carrot/ broccoli etc. Tend not to have snacks as I have a very sweet tooth and once I start I can't stop. Can't understand why it tells me I'm not eating enough. I am only 5ft 2 as well
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Lindaash97 wrote: »
    I eat loads though, typical breakfast 1 weetabix with grapes, blueberries sometimes I have it with natural yogurt. Lunch I usually have 2 ryvita with cottage cheese/ ham / tomatoes and tea for example a pork chop with loads of veg ie carrot/ broccoli etc. Tend not to have snacks as I have a very sweet tooth and once I start I can't stop. Can't understand why it tells me I'm not eating enough. I am only 5ft 2 as well

    I am short like you (5'3") and I have the same amount of weight to lose and I just put my goal as 'lose 2 lbs/week'. It gave me 1200 calories and said 'at this could use .8lbs/week. You would lose 4lbs by September 24th'.

    Do you see how it said at 1200 calories, I would lose .8lbs/week, even though I put my goal as 2lbs?

    This is because MFP won't give me a lower calorie goal. Now, I don't know what it does for older women but you are not even old.

    Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, it is difficult to get all your nutrition in with under 800 calories under medically supervised and maybe you should take the slow route so you don't do any damage to your body.
  • Lindaash97
    Lindaash97 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 44 years old- I might just restart this and put my basic info in again in case I've done something wrong. Thanks for your help